Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

Bidding for bot players (8)

nl Balladeer >> jueves abril 25 - 05:21
Is it any use to bid for bot players 24h before the end of the transfer period? Or won't they be able to sell their players even if they'd want to?
nl Balladeer
cn protein >> jueves abril 25 - 08:14
They are able to put their players on the transferlist Balla. Usually they will respond quickly after you inquire about one of his players, but this may take up to 24 hours.

And once a player is on the transferlist, the transfer can always complete, even the transfer window is closed during the process.
cn protein
nl Balladeer >> jueves abril 25 - 17:54
Ok thanks, kind of weird that they can sell their players and we can't though...
nl Balladeer
br Irvine Kinneas >> jueves abril 25 - 18:43
And we can't?
br Irvine Kinneas
nl Balladeer >> jueves abril 25 - 20:15
we cant sell any players now, within 24 of the closing moment of the transfer marktet deadline, right? Or am i wrong?
nl Balladeer
at schorny >> jueves abril 25 - 20:54
Sure we can.
the deadline is just the point where no new transfer negotiations can start. all running negotiations can and will get finished, even if it takes a few days.
at schorny
br Irvine Kinneas >> jueves abril 25 - 21:09
Exactly and yes we can :)
br Irvine Kinneas
nl Balladeer >> jueves abril 25 - 21:12
Right, my bad :-)
nl Balladeer