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Inglés >> Sugerencias

finances of botteams (2)

il Jordy Cruijff >> jueves octubre 31 - 15:03
After checking my transfers with regular botteams (not advanced), I saw they got approximately 200K-400K to bid on players, which was enough in seasons 1-4, but now it seems that every "normal" old player's value is about 800K-1M, so it's results that those players are almost impossible to sell.

But if we can make botteams being able to get more money, (maybe allow them to get TV rev as regular teams, stop pay the bot manager salary ( which is huge according to help), give them compensation for not being able to build buildings), but how is less important now, then maybe we can promote the activity in the transfer window.

For example: if someone would pay me 1.5 for my 3 players I tried to sell, then I could buy a young striker, the team that sold the young striker could buy another player and so on.
il Jordy Cruijff
us Tintin >> jueves octubre 31 - 16:35
This is similar to what I suggested in the "lower sale of players" thread.
I totally agree with you, making Botteams more active in the transfer market (with more money too) will definitely make this game a lot more engaging, compared to only a few active teams in the transfer market as of currently.
us Tintin