Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Debate general

bug youth player got lost (5)

vu Amun-Ra >> domingo mayo 19 - 14:10
I got a message saying i got a new youth player last thursday. Raz greenberg.
But he never arrived at the club.

My youth center was upgrasing so i thought maybe i will get him after the upgrade has finished. But it is finished and i got some new youth players but raz never showed up in my youth player list.

What happened to him?
vu Amun-Ra
eng Kezza >> domingo mayo 19 - 14:12
Pepe... see this thread...
eng Kezza
cn protein >> domingo mayo 19 - 14:49, Editado domingo mayo 19 - 14:50
Yeah, it's better to report the bugs in the 'Bugreports' section also Pepe. :)
cn protein
vu Amun-Ra >> domingo mayo 19 - 22:01
I couldnt find the bug thread... Sorry for that. Seems like I got a message that was supposed to be sent to an other player?
vu Amun-Ra
br Irvine Kinneas >> domingo mayo 19 - 23:02
yes, exactly that ;)
br Irvine Kinneas