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Inglés >> Preguntas

Number of questions about the League (5)

jo Santan >> sábado junio 15 - 08:53
Portugal and Brazil, the players as much as the players, why Portugal opened the fourth league, while Brazil is still only three leagues.
jo Santan
nz Tiety Kooistra >> sábado junio 15 - 11:41
Because Brazil has a league size of 20 teams and Portugal of 16, so in 3 levels a diverence of 16 teams extra available in Brazil which menas they need more players to open up the 4th level
nz Tiety Kooistra
sco Scotland1983 >> sábado junio 15 - 15:43
scotland has a 12 team division system and has 29 out of 48 teams with human managers does thart mean we will get a 4th division too maybe soon i am just checking how much pecent full it would need to be for more divisions and to improve our league:)
sco Scotland1983
eng MegaChampions FC
jo Santan >> lunes junio 17 - 05:01
Brazil needs many people can have the fourth league?
jo Santan
sco Arno Wiersma >> lunes junio 17 - 07:41
A new league will start when there are only a few bot teams left in the league, lets say 2 per league group. For Portugal that means if 28 out of 32 teams have human managers (in League 3 there are 2 groups) a new League 4 will be generated. In Brazil this will happen when 36 out of 40 teams have human managers.

So yes, Brazil needs more players before a new League is started.
sco Arno Wiersma