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Inglés >> Sugerencias

about the last game change (that board will look in last 2 seasons instead of 1) (1)

il Jordy Cruijff >> jueves agosto 15 - 15:14
The change:
"When requesting an upgrade of one of your facilities the board will look at the last two seasons instead of just the current season. This will make it easier to upgrade facilities at the start of a season."

Well, it really help at the start of the season, but, for people that upgraded stadium, promote to better league or in general got better income (almost everyone), the change will disturb because he'll take into account the last season, where there income was lower, so it'll make it harder to upgrade after they play some home matches.

For exmaple: next season I'll build 4000 stadium that will give me an average income of 30K per day, but now i get just 12K with 1500 stadium, so next year the board will calculate my stadium income as 21K instead of 30K.

So I suggest that the board will calculate both options, and will look just in the higher one.
il Jordy Cruijff