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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Choosing Currency (4)

ba Sir MB >> sábado septiembre 14 - 22:35
If we could choose what currency we want to use, that would be great.

Right now i am in League of Uruguay and their currency is really bad for me and confusing.

Some pezos dollar i don't know what is exact name.

google converter is saying

1 pesos is 0.045 US dollars.

I am seeing players which market value is over
ba Sir MB
hr EroSt >> domingo septiembre 15 - 09:32
You already have topic like that. There is still no answer about this subject unfortunately.
hr EroSt
ba Sir MB >> domingo septiembre 15 - 11:51
aha oke:)
ba Sir MB
nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo septiembre 15 - 12:25
This isn't really the same question as the other topic I think. You'll get the currency and time zone of the country you play in.
Everyone is free to play where he wants, but this is a consequence of that choice.

This isn't something we plan to change at the moment.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe