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Inglés >> Competiciones

League of Faroe Islands (2)

ro Andrei >> lunes octubre 15 - 18:44
Hello, folks!

A season is ending. A new one is beginning. How about a new beginning for you?

League of Faroe Islands ... we are 51st in the European league classification. What does that mean? Champions League Q1 round, Europa League Q1 and Q2 rounds. We aim to go higher in the league rankings. Maybe even get a Faroese team directly in the Champions League someday. Or, at least, CL playoffs. Probably very distant future, but you never know. Nonetheless, we can work together and, soon enough, we could start shocking the bigger European leagues in the CL and EL.

Currently, we have 4 active players. Lots of available spaces. Players are definitely welcome.

U21 league is available. U21 Cup ... not at this point, but it will be back with your help.

So ... if you are looking for a challenge, why don't come over to the Faroe Islands? It's not too cold, I promise. But, just in case, bring a jacket or two.
ro Andrei
ro Andrei >> miércoles octubre 17 - 18:21
Correction: one inactive manager has returned, so we have 5 active managers now.

Also we do have U21 Youth Cup. With 9 teams, but it's still there.

So come on down to the Faroes! We don't bite.

Well, I don't ... I can't speak about the others. :)
ro Andrei