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Inglés >> Sugerencias

2 year loan deal. (5)

eng Yid >> martes diciembre 4 - 22:39

Can we please have the option to loan a player for 2 seasons. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Stephen >> martes diciembre 4 - 22:48


eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Yid >> martes diciembre 4 - 23:04

Because if you have a player you know you are going to loan out a few times, a 2 year loan period will save you a little bit of hassle keep loaning him every season and i'm fairly sure it may be quite useful the other way to. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Cloughie >> jueves diciembre 6 - 20:59, Editado jueves diciembre 6 - 21:00

I would use this if it was there but don’t mind having to do it every year(transfer activity adds to the fun). A negative would be you loan the max amount you can for two years... then mid season you buy other players which change your squad .... now you cannot sell those that you have loaned and you can’t loan out the new ones for a season and a half.

eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
ua gramofons >> jueves diciembre 6 - 21:41, Editado jueves diciembre 6 - 21:42

It also would not be very inviting for clubs to offer players for loan. Imagine the situation - I put my player for loan, you get him. The first season my player gets his games and receives the maximum of experience points. Then before the start of the next season you buy a better player for that position and suddenly my player doesn't get any experience points, because he's sitting on your bench.

ua gramofons