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Inglés >> Debate general

Xsolla payments (8)

nl Vincent de Boer >> jueves diciembre 13 - 16:40
We are experiencing problems with Xsolla payments. We have temporarily disabled Xsolla while we are working on resolving this. All the payments that were made will be processed.

Our apologies for the delay and the inconvenience. We expect this will be resolved in a few days.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
gq kennym0nkey >> jueves diciembre 13 - 16:42

What a bait I thought it was an update.

gq kennym0nkey
lv Tamaz >> jueves diciembre 13 - 17:45

Kenny? What kind of update you wanted?

so far everything is OK! :)

lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
gq kennym0nkey >> sábado diciembre 15 - 02:02

Nothing particual actually just anything like what are they working on right now or whatever. I just dont want the game to fade away like Rocking Rackets.

gq kennym0nkey
nl Vincent de Boer >> miércoles diciembre 19 - 13:31

This is taken longer than expected. The code is very hard to test and the back and forth messages with the Xsolla support are taking a lot of time.

If you are still waiting for your V.I.P. vouchers please contact me and I will see what I can do manually. I'm very sorry this is taking so long.

nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
ro eupoli >> lunes diciembre 31 - 10:18

Any news on this? Xsolla payments will not be used anymore?

ro eupoli
ro AC Recas
nl Vincent de Boer >> lunes diciembre 31 - 10:55

We're still working on this. Sadly there doesn't seem an easy solution.

nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
nl Vincent de Boer >> miércoles enero 2 - 22:14

This is resolved now. The pending payments should be either processed or refunded by now. Our apologies for the delay. Something broke when we did server maintenance and it took a long time to figure out what it was exactly because of the difficulty in testing between our system and Xsolla's.

If there is anything unresolved or something else we can do for anyone regarding this issue, let me know.

nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe