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Inglés >> Preguntas

Vain (6)

rs John James Giba >> jueves febrero 14 - 12:31, Editado jueves febrero 14 - 12:33

I havea doubt about VAIN attribute.

"play better when he is one of the 3 best players on the team"

I always thought that it means one of the 3 best players (in stars value) of his team ON THE FIELD, during a match,

but actually i have the doubt that to play better he has to be one of the 3 best players (in stars value) of the team IN GENERAL.

Anyone knows what does it means exactly?

rs John James Giba
nl Vincent de Boer >> viernes febrero 15 - 15:50

He needs to be among the 3 best on the field.

nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
nl Danh >> viernes febrero 15 - 17:19

and how much better or worse?

Is it shocking the amount?

nl Danh
ro Andrei >> viernes febrero 15 - 18:40
Don't think it matters by how much (I mean it doesn't say in the description, does it?). Just that he's among the 3 best on the pitch.
ro Andrei
il Numpty >> viernes febrero 15 - 19:04

Andrei, I think he's asking how much better does he play? So what's the improvement in his performance?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
rs John James Giba >> viernes febrero 15 - 19:26

Thanks for the answer Vincent! :-)

rs John James Giba