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Inglés >> Preguntas

North American Championships (4)

eng Yid >> viernes julio 19 - 08:46

According to the details of the group stage of the North American Championships it is the final round and the winner of that wins the tournament. Please tell me that Is wrong and their will be Q/F's, S/F's and a final.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
ee Balthazor >> viernes julio 19 - 18:18

I see there should be 16 teams in tournament: 13 already qualified and 3 come from playoffs. On previous time there were playoff rounds after groups. So I suspect, that it's some bug or mixup with Southern America, it's not realistic and fair, that you can play 15 matches on final tournament and other continents' nations mostly just 3 or up to 6 on best case.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng Yid >> viernes julio 19 - 20:08

16 teams competing in 4 groups. 

3 matches to decide group stage with top 2 of each group qualifying for Quarter-Final then Semi-Final and Final.

I make that 6 games not sure where you got 15 games from.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
ee Balthazor >> sábado julio 20 - 13:24

15 if there is only group phase to decide winner of tournament :D but it must be some bug. It's not realistic to fit such mammoth anywhere.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn