Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

Players for staff (3)

hu Gombi2912 >> martes octubre 8 - 08:24


I have new team 2 days ago and my question is, which players are the bests to make to staff?

My plan to buy some old players and make staff, its better way then the 3credits staff?

30y? 35y? How can I calculate it?

hu Gombi2912
lv Namejs >> martes octubre 8 - 11:08

You have 3 staff members in Your team. Absolutely wrong trained midfielders and defender. First turn them in staff members and then buy some 31-34 years old forwards and mifdielders (not supertalents) to fill rest staff places.

lv Namejs
Administrador del Foro
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri
in Keju >> martes octubre 8 - 17:12

Buy players and convert into staff their talent and skill is higher than a one you hire

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC