Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Sugerencias

The bourd need to consider position experience not just highest ball rating when refusing lineup. (5)

eng Kay >> martes noviembre 5 - 12:06

I want to play my better dueling defender in league game with a weaker line up as i have a oceanic league game a few hours later but can't because a defender with weaker dueling has a higher ball rating. So can this be based on position experience instead as i think that makes more sense.

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir
il Numpty >> martes noviembre 5 - 13:53

Kay, the position experience is actually a factor in the star rating (ball rating) of a player. 

Which players are you looking at?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Kay >> martes noviembre 5 - 14:46

The player i want to play.

Tucholski. Dueling 5.23. Age 33. 8.55 rating.

The player i have to play.

Eng. Dueling 5.07. Age 36. 8.90 rating.

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir
il Numpty >> martes noviembre 5 - 15:02

Firstly, I share your frustration with the way the system refuses the lineups. This is my biggest problem with the game as I seem to be fighting the board on a daily basis. 

Regarding your players, the small difference of 2 in their position experience is negligible. This accounts for 2/1000 *0.75 balls on their trainable skills, which amounts to 0.0015 on each skill.  

The main reason for the difference in rating between those 2 players is that Eng has an extra 0.6 Tactics. 

Personally I would like to try and persuade Vincent to lessen the current restrictions, but I think this has been discussed a lot in the past. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Kay >> martes noviembre 5 - 16:00

Thank you.

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir