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Inglés >> Preguntas

Player gained popular SA (4)

ro Melniciuc Bogdan >> jueves noviembre 28 - 01:12, Editado jueves noviembre 28 - 01:16

Hello! A few minutes ago I got this message:

Cristi Argatu is now a popular player. Every time he plays a competitive match your team will get extra fanclub members. If he does not play in a match your team loses 5 fanclub members.

The problem is Argatu isn't one of my best 3 midfielders and I usually play 433.What can I do?Should I sell him on the next transfer window?


ro Melniciuc Bogdan
il Numpty >> jueves noviembre 28 - 01:35

Firstly, congrats. That's a good attribute to have.

But if you don't want to play him every match then yes it's best to sell him.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us cdowne >> jueves noviembre 28 - 02:02

A couple of factors. 

What is your goal for the next few seasons? 

Can you earn promotion?  If so, when. Could you loan this player for a few seasons and have him contribute after age 24?

If you're going to sell, sell soon. Younger players tend to sell more readily. Given the transfer market recently, you may not get a price that you're happy with. Then you may keep the popular player 

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
ro Melniciuc Bogdan >> jueves noviembre 28 - 03:04

@ Numpty

Thanks! I'll keep him and I'll try to make him a starter.

@ cdowne

Thanks for your answer!

As you can see I have a young team and maybe I can earn promotion,but I know I won't have a easy life in the first division.Therefore,for the next 2 seasons I'll try to stay in the second league.I don't want to promote and after one season to go back in the second division.I'll try to promote when I'll be sure I can make a good job in the first division.

And going back to Argatu,I'll probably keep him and make him a starter.I know the problem with the transfer market and I don't want to sell him for nothing.

ro Melniciuc Bogdan