Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Debate general

Goal diffrence (4)

eng RastaMega >> viernes septiembre 25 - 12:12

Ive been playing a while but only just realised theres no GD goal diffrence in the league tables which is a part of the sport and a good statistic to know in performance overall

eng RastaMega
il Numpty >> viernes septiembre 25 - 12:20, Editado viernes septiembre 25 - 12:25

It may not show the goal difference in the table but I think you'll find it uses it to calculate league position. (Although I believe that the live table displays teams with fewer matches first.)   

In the event of equal points then the order is:

  • Fewest matches 
  • Goal difference
  • Goals scored
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> martes septiembre 29 - 21:15

I understanded that he didn't see GD without calculation in table. But this is simple math- i remember my math was "4" in that period when it was mostly "3" overall. But most of tables don't show calculated GD but as "33-40". Maybe it's tradition that depend on country how tables are displayed? Here i don't see special need for another table column.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back