Liga de Canadá temporada 20

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Debate acerca de tu liga: ¿Quiénes son los favoritos para ganar la liga esta temporada? ¿Quién jugará la promoción o descenderá? ¿Cómo te irá en la copa?

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What youth(s) are you most excited about? (32)

ca Jax >> viernes agosto 14 - 19:17
Perhaps a talented youth approaching 21 years of age and ready to make an impact in your first team? Maybe a supertalent that your YC has produced recently?

These are my 3 midfielders of the near future(20+). Not supertalents but all 3 will be useful to me going forward.
ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> viernes agosto 14 - 21:29
Some good kids there Jax. I have looked less at developing youths recently as the market is flooded and you can pick up amazing players that are ready to go in the 22-23 years range these days.

However, these guys I am moderately excited by:

Both need some power/speed training, but I am hoping the Team Player attribute will stop the disease where my midfield runs into the box and gives the ball to a defender.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Will >> martes agosto 18 - 03:54
My youths a bit behind your crew. Nice players. My team still early in development, but this Keeper has my TC attention. Building from the back out I guess. PenStopper 90% trained, Corner stopper is next.

@Jax, but regarding your comment in the forums about a sales thread, I totally agree. I too need a few talented Canucks to be leaders on my team!

Who's selling YC8,9,10 maple leafs?
ca Will
ca Jax >> martes agosto 18 - 07:09
@Will Nice keeper! Will be great for any game but he should shine in your various tournament matches. I'll be in the market for impact tournament players this offseason, myself.

As for the thread, I'm going to just open a new one and make it specifically for that purpose. Holan (Maple Leafs) will have some as well as Brainbot (Mississauga United) but it's obviously not just limited to them.
ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> martes agosto 18 - 16:17
That keeper is going to be pretty good. 6.05 speed!
Not sure how power effects keepers, but still he will be an awesome player in the future.
ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
no Chili >> martes agosto 18 - 17:38

My only Canadian. He likes long walks on the beach and the Australian weather, so he don't mind the fact that he'll be a benchwarmer for the remainder of his career.
no Chili
ca Jax >> martes agosto 18 - 19:29
@Chili Nice player. He would be useful to likely half of the teams in Division 1 and all of division 2 if you ever decided to trim the fat.
ca Jax
no Chili >> miércoles agosto 19 - 07:17
His development is fairly good for a YC8 as he was pulled at an early age and has trained in TC10 for his entire career but unfortunately for him I have some creme strikers coming up that outshine him a bit.

I was looking into bringing in a few more Canadians as well but youths don't get a whole lot of playtime from the current NT manager.
no Chili
ca Jax >> jueves agosto 20 - 19:54
@Chili I agree. I also know what you mean about our National Team. Truthfully, we have multiple teams with level 10 facilities producing Canadians so it's always going to be tough to produce one yourself.

In fairness, we have one of the better teams in North America and we require our best players more often than a team who is not as competitive in their Continent.

Back to the youths, I don't think my Super Talent from level 8+staff5 YC will ever make it. He'll be good for me but likely won't be enough for the NT.

Same with this other promising Forward who has lots of time to Develop.

I'm not really frustrated by it because in comparison to what else will be available in 5-6 seasons, they simply won't be good enough.

This is why upgrading my facilities is still the #1 priority. Getting into Continental play is great but it means nothing if your facilities aren't constantly being upgraded.
ca Jax
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 >> domingo agosto 23 - 05:51, Editado domingo agosto 23 - 06:05
Just follow the thread.

In my experience, youth is depends on talent, special attributes (born with), age and body.

With the progress of the game year, there are more and more high level managers with good facilities. YC8 (or lower) maybe fine a few seasons ago, but I am afraid that they will be just so so now. Why u have to cost time and energy to train the YC8 when there are a lot of TC10 in the market? In another way, a YC8 might be a fine player for division 1 when he is 24 or 25, but he will be soon degraded after 26 (especially forward, it is a nightmare after 26). It is not hard to find a same level player or a better one in the market with nice price. The worst thing is that YC8 is more than likely gets high MV he does not deserve and no one will buy him. He will be a waste in ur team to slow down the progress of the team development. What is more that most of us don’t have good TC enough for them.

An example for that: supertalent 6*, but the manager decide to train by himself. This kid could be a world class player, now is just fine for NT (and he will be on bench or waiting list if I choose the NT squad). If the manager sold the player when young, he could have large amount money for better squad and extra special training spot.
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 >> domingo agosto 23 - 05:58, Editado domingo agosto 23 - 06:07
Regarding to NT youth, the problem is more critical. Besides the congenital condition, he needs good special training as well. In the future, a rising star wants to be a main force in the NT needs to born with YC/TC 10 with nice staffs and special training.

Thanks for our super supplier – Brainbot (Mississauga United), supports most of the nice NT players. But but but, this is the most serious problem for us, he is the only one who has the ability and willing to support Canada. And he has “only one” special training spot, it is a pity that many players could be better for a strong NT squad. Last season he sold some players and some of them developed well in the new team, it is a positive influence for the NT. He could be just a Gatorade watcher in the NT with only 3.X speed although he has really high blocking, but in the new team, he is now golden speed with setting wall, of course the first choice for the NT GK. Also solved the problem of our GK shortage.

Other managers in our league, Ottawa is more than willing for taking care of his kids (Canadian), thanks that he has done a lot special training for our rising stars. But still the same problem, some of them will be limited by the facilities condition. If Tristeza Nao Tem Fim can give his kids more special training and more tactics skills (but not the FW), his youths will be our second hope. Montreal Impact (ex- downtown kickers), was an old and solid team but now all facilities-1. I am not sure if Mr.Young is willing to support us or not. In my schedule, the TC or YC 10 may start to build in the middle of next season, it is far way late than a good NT provider.

Therefore, there will be a gap coming now, especially the midfield. No need to say there are many strange mids in the shortlist due to the engine, I don’t think Vincent will deal with that in a short period. I cannot find the successor”s” (only one now). We won’t be a weak team, but might not be as strong as now.
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 >> domingo agosto 23 - 06:58, Editado domingo agosto 23 - 07:10
@Chill I think I have done a lot consideration of the squad to benefit the NT. You may check the friendly matches, I do give fair opportunities for first team, bench and rising stars. That's why we lost some NT points due to this reason. If I think the players won' t have the potential for the NT, like some strange mids for example, of course they would not have the chance. For U21 rising stars, no doubt I have done my best to let them get experience. Just check the match record for players in the shortlist.

I would not take the risk for losing the formal match, so it would be the best squad depends on opponent and players' status (I have made a file with that every terms of NT selection). Moreover, I gave the chance for players with insufficient experience in the last match after we got first place in the group stage of North America Cup Qualification.
BTW, ur player was not in the NTshortlist is not my decision, the game engine does. What a NT manager can do is to select the final 23 players form the shortlist in the terms of NT selection.

Sorry I found out u r a NTmanager, too - edited

One more thing, this term we have to play the North American Cup, so the selection will consider more about better combat capacity.
tw 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
ca Will >> domingo agosto 23 - 13:28
re: youths for national team.

I've noticed that many top teams don't have the time to invest special training into many players. I think that's where a team with "merely" a TC8 maybe can produce a NT player by focussing 1 or 2 entire season's and 4-5 trainings on one player. That was the hope for the Finish keeper linked above ;)

He's almost done so need nice Canuck to develop next.
ca Will
ca Jax >> lunes agosto 24 - 03:02
@Will Exactly. Which is why I made the other thread. I'd like for Brainbot to put some young Canadians on the market and let us know when he does. I'm logged in a lot but I can't possibly track all the potentials. I'd go well out of my to train a Canadian NT candidate if I had one.
ca Jax
br lujandecuyo >> lunes agosto 24 - 15:10

Next season I'll take care of the special skills of young

Since this season I'm climbing the tactics on all players (except FW) and I will continue doing

I have not been lucky with special attributes ( born) and the next days make YC10
br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim