Liga de Chile temporada 50

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Selección (64)

cl klaudio >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 21:10
5-0 eso no es tener mala suerte :/
cl klaudio
cl Leo >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 23:26
Me refiero con mala suerte, a los partidos anteriores para clasificar al mundial.
Con el partido contra ecuador, ha quedado mas que claro que este gringo no sabe como dirigir bien una selección, y si ni siquiera se va a molestar a ver los partidos (por lo menos los oficiales), que se vaya y le de una oportunidad a alguien que sea mas capaz.
cl Leo
cl klaudio >> jueves septiembre 5 - 22:32
siii ojala fuera algun chileno u.u pero bueno a tenerle fe no keda otra
cl klaudio
cl payasi >> lunes septiembre 16 - 15:22
Hemos vuelto a perder, ahora contra Venezuela...
cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
cl Leo >> lunes septiembre 16 - 22:53
Chau proximo mundial, si seguimos asi vamos a ser los primeros eliminados en tiempo record...
cl Leo
cl payasi >> viernes septiembre 20 - 21:47
cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
cl chupetesuazo >> martes noviembre 19 - 00:48
por fin una victoria jajajaja
cl chupetesuazo
cl Kewer >> miércoles noviembre 27 - 19:54
Alguien tiene pensado postularse como dt?
Yo quizás me hago vip, y me gustaría tomar la selección, no sé si habrá otro interesado.
cl Kewer
cl payasi >> martes diciembre 3 - 18:41
a mi también me interesaría, pero no sé si compraría el vip :P

Hay que esperar Kewer queda tiempo y no tenemos candidatos, asi que...
cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
cl Kewer >> jueves diciembre 5 - 16:13
Listo, ya estoy como candidato!
cl Kewer
cl payasi >> jueves diciembre 5 - 16:55
Sí, el gringo me dijo que sacaba a los míos y que esperase a tu decisión porque serías el entrenador XD
cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
cl Kewer >> jueves diciembre 5 - 17:08, Editado jueves diciembre 5 - 17:11
Que jugadores te sacó?
cl Kewer
cl payasi >> jueves diciembre 5 - 18:54
Julitro Ricardo y a los regalones, AP, NR y EO :P

pero eso lo verá el nuevo deté :mono:
cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
cl Leo >> viernes diciembre 6 - 18:35
Acabo de llegar a mi casa luego de estar como 6 horas haciendo un tramite y me encuentro con la noticia que nos toca contra España y Holanda en la fase de grupos .__.

De todas formas debo decir que fue un placer jugar 2 veces seguidas un mundial xd
Nha, vamos con toda la fe que el grupo esta dificil pero no imposible.
cl Leo
us Ulysses >> miércoles diciembre 11 - 04:44, Editado miércoles diciembre 11 - 04:49
Apparently there is a second forum for the Chilean national team. I am going to type this in English rather than subject everyone to bad spanish. Google translate is available to anyone that likes spanish a lot better for reading the following walls of text.

I'll start by saying that I wish Kewer and Chile the best of luck in the future. :) I'm disappointed with the past few seasons and hope that Kewer will steer the team in the right direction.

Here are some suggestions to improve Chile's chances in the future based on my observations during my term:

1) Better youth centers: there are currently only about 3 Chilean teams with a completed level 7 youth center. Players from level 6 youth centers are already beginning to become obsolete in many leagues. For Chile to have a good team in the future, more teams will need to build at least level 7 youth centers. Realistically, many of the elite teams in the game already have level 8 youth centers, and a few already have level 9 youth centers. There are only 5 players on the team (which currently contains the most promising players who are still able to gain experience this season) with talent over 4 (but one of them has a very low value for his age). Primorac will be included as well once he is back on the team next season.

2) More fixed stat training: only Huaracha, Primorac, and Arauza seem to have worked substantially on their fixed stats, and they are among the best players on the team because of it. Huaracha and Arauza in particular will continue be star players for Chile despite having talent less than 4. By having each team with a national team caliber player focus on their best player, Chile can gain more quality players (it might be worth working on a new player once a player reaches 7 or so balls to improve depth further). This is also an area where teams with lower level youth centers can still develop national team caliber players.

3) Creating Players: teams without high level youth centers can still contribute by creating 350 credit players or 500 credit players (by getting credits from voting and the daily allotment over time). These players will be as agood as players from a level 6 to level 7 youth center with an extra year of experience. Combined with fixed stat training, these players can still be effective for a while, but they will become obsolete once there are more players from level 8 youth centers.

4) Cooperating to ensure depth at every position: the teams with the best youth centers, if they are willing, can cooperate with the national team manager to focus on producing players in areas that lack depth.

In the past, the depth on defense was particularly bad, forcing me to either use formations with 3 defensemen (there were only 3 decent defensemen until Ferraiz, Primorac, and Ricardo came along) or drop a relatively good midfielder or forward for a 30 year old defenseman with 3.5 stars. It didn't help that there were often injuries to Giminez or Smith and that Rickard (who would have been one of the best defensemen) switched to midfield.

Though I've otherwise not put together the most effective formations, this was a major problem for Chile. Now Chile has a very promising defense and offense, but a lack of quality depth at midfield and 0 young keepers that have appeared on the shortlist (though the older ones are decent if not elite).

5) Elite players: the top national teams have a lot of 6+ star players in addition to 4 star ~20 year olds. Chile has 1 player (Huaracha) significantly over 5 stars (though the young players like Ferraiz, Primorac, and Arauza are finally starting to come around) and fewer elite 20 year olds than other countries have that are good enough to appear on the shortlist.

I could have done much better with formations (despite the handicap on defense), and I should have focused more on choosing players based on their primary attribute rather than their value (though they were usually correlated), but the above suggestions are the keys to truly giving the Chilean national team the potential to become a world power in Rocking Soccer.

Once again, I wish the best of luck to Kewer and the Chilean national team in the future. I will end with that.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC