viktor >>
jueves septiembre 11 - 11:06, Editado
jueves septiembre 11 - 16:24 Well being a soccer professional is a burden. You have to turn up for practice every other non-match day. But if you want to win some soccer matches for a club and in the process make some moolah, you have to become a soccer professional. :)
If you have 2 matches on the same day( it is like havin 2 matches in the same week in real life (RL)), you get to be a manager / manage your resources. You get to make the decision whether to
1> Compete in all 3 matches
2> Compete in 2 matches tank one
3> Compete in 1 match, tank two
4> Tank all 3 matches.
From 1 -4, your burden decreases.
From 4-1, experience to spread around, revenue(slightly) increases.
If you have 20+ players on your squad and have not wasted your money building something like scouts' office to above level 2-3 or by deciding another club's future is more important than yours(also called borrowing players from other teams) for more than a season(when you did not know better), you can compete in all matches.
Things that help in decreasing order
1> player endurance
2> team size
3> setting team time settings for tournament and league 12 hours apart
My team sometimes plays 3-4 matches on the same day.