Liga de Kiribati temporada 68

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5 games played (13)

eng Pablo del Loco >> lunes junio 29 - 21:09
Good start to the season so far.

Tarawa Jianlibao FC and moons take an early lead with 100% records.
"F. čagalj" (Tarawa Jianllibao FC) has scored an incredible 18 goals in the first 5 games. Unstoppable at the moment, with the whole team smashing 30 goals in total so far!

Sporting Alamogordo & Kuria Kings FCK lead the chasing pack, but it's still tight with only 4 points separating 3rd down to 10th. With special mention to Tarawa Utd Football Club, who's "M. Ma" scoring 4 in 2 games and "T. Moana" with 4 assists.

Down at the bottom of the table FC Fish are struggling to find that elusive 1st victory, along with FC Caixin & DuzceSpor SK who have pulled off a couple of draws so far.

There's still a long way to go and with a large amount of advanced teams in league 2, it's going to be a battle to the finish to stay in the elite league of Kiribati!
eng Pablo del Loco
ki 群主是送分机器 >> lunes junio 29 - 23:46
this is a very professional analysis.
I have to say that you are also doing a great job!
Hope most of the managers can stay here and keep the league active.
ki 群主是送分机器
cn 木头 >> martes junio 30 - 17:08
this is a very professional analysis.
I have to say that you are also doing a great job!
Hope most of the managers can stay here and keep the league active.
You are a news agency in Kiribati.
cn 木头
ki [DJB]Tarawa Jianlibao FC
cn 木头 >> martes junio 30 - 18:03
(改译@Pablo del Loco)
体育阿拉莫戈多和库里亚国王FCK两家俱乐部也在随后追赶着,组成第二集团军,联赛形式非常的紧张,只要4分就能从联赛第三下降到第十。并特别要留意塔拉瓦联队足球俱乐部,球队里的两大球星“M`Ma”2场比赛进4球和“T. Moana”4场4次助攻。
而联赛正在垫底的球队FC鱼目前为止都难以迎来球队的第一场胜利,随后的FC caixin和duzcespor SK两支球队,目前为止要看谁能把谁压倒避免进入降级圈。
cn 木头
ki [DJB]Tarawa Jianlibao FC
eng Pablo del Loco >> martes junio 30 - 20:30
:-) Thanks and thank you for the translation Gao Hongbo.
Hopefully together we can take the great league of Kiribati to the top!

If anyone else has any club news, key players or anything else of interest then please feel free to let us know.


eng Pablo del Loco
ki 群主是送分机器 >> martes junio 30 - 23:45
What I know is that I have the weakest attacking players in the league, only 3 goals during the past 6
ki 群主是送分机器
cn 你们没事天天瞎验证人玩? >> miércoles julio 1 - 02:20
Great!I am you fans for your report!
cn 你们没事天天瞎验证人玩?
ki Hammer >> miércoles julio 1 - 05:50
First big upset in the Kiribati league as Emily's moons defeated 高洪波's Tarawa Jianlibao FC 7 - 0 to a home crowd. Player of the match was Lennert van Rie with an impressive four assists, and the moons continue to distance themselves at the top of the table with an impressive three points over Tarawa Jianlibao!
ki Hammer
cn 木头 >> miércoles julio 1 - 07:08
cn 木头
ki [DJB]Tarawa Jianlibao FC
eng Pablo del Loco >> miércoles julio 1 - 08:45
That was a massive upset, and F. čagalj didn't score his usual 4 goals a game!!!! But i don't think anybody expected that scoreline.
moons take the top spot for now. I would imagine the championship may all come down to the return match for these giants of the Kiribati league!

@Kiribati Newbie
Maybe, but you have had 3 clean sheets so far! :-)
The goals will come, have faith (or buy new attackers!)
eng Pablo del Loco
lv nav >> miércoles julio 1 - 09:45
I am here to stay at highest level our players doing great job our strateghy hopefuly will give us boost later on and we will catch leaders
Ps At this moment we cant fight against managers who took 3 players or those who are using coins to boost their devlopment After transfer period we will see who is who
lv nav
ki 群主是送分机器 >> jueves julio 2 - 02:38

haha, I agree, my defense is not bad :)
I am the first one who has no hope to stand in the top, meanwhile safe to stay in the first division.

Looking forward to the transfer window.
ki 群主是送分机器
cn 木头 >> sábado julio 4 - 02:36
we will see who is who
cn 木头
ki [DJB]Tarawa Jianlibao FC