Liga de Liechtenstein temporada 83

Foro: Foro de la liga rss-feed

Debate acerca de tu liga: ¿Quiénes son los favoritos para ganar la liga esta temporada? ¿Quién jugará la promoción o descenderá? ¿Cómo te irá en la copa?

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Together we are strong! Buy tickets! (1)

de Julezz >> miércoles enero 13 - 11:30, Editado miércoles enero 13 - 11:30
to be successful in here and really earn some money you need to raise your popularity.

so i came up with an easy plan:
Every manager from Liechtenstein should look through all of our leagues from time to time and buy all possible tickets! because of that, every manager will have his tickets sold and gain more popularity without searching for tickets. an easy way to boost our little country :)

I am doing this quite a while now, so join me...TOGETHER, WE ARE STRONG!
de Julezz