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Anglais >> Suggestions

Healing loaned players (44)

ro Funky Grandma >> mardi février 17 - 02:37, Modifié mardi février 17 - 02:40
The way I think about it is: what would happen in real life? And from what I know, the club that has loaned him for the season can choose to spend money on healing him in their own facilities. If however this doesn't happen (for financial or whatever reasons) or his club thinks they might do a better job, the club that owns him can bring him back to treat him, after which he normally continues his loan. I see no problem with having this option for the team that loans the player.
ro Funky Grandma
cw HyperInActief >> mardi février 17 - 11:11
This has been suggested not to long ago.
Anybody has a link to that thread, as i couldn't find it and i'm pretty sure Vincent responded there.
cw HyperInActief
eng Dragontao >> mardi février 17 - 13:37
I'm with Stephen and Jax on this one. I think it's logical that the borrowing club has the ability to heal the player they have on loan.

People are trying to equate the loan system in RS to real life. The trouble is, broadly speaking, here we're using opposite to reality in what is happening with regard to training and healing. As in many things to do with RS, real life scenarios don't necessarily work and we need to move away from trying to make real life comparisons for everything.

In real life, the club with the loaned player train him, not his parent club, but the parent club will keep a watchful eye on that training to ensure he is developing how they want him to and progressing. If they aren't happy, will say something or in extreme circumstances cancel the loan.

With RS, and logically so, the parent club train the player because 1) more often than not, they have a higher level training centre than the borrowing club and 2) they spend the xp the player earns as they see fit (the actual training) so the player develops as they want him.

In real life, the borrowing club treat minor injuries, albeit with the same watchful eye of the parent club on them, but may return the player to his parent club in the event of a serious injury unless the parent club are happy for him to stay and be treated where he is. In RS the borrowing club cannot treat the player but in RS there can be no medical negligence, risking damaging a player by healing him incorrectly or misdiagnosing or mistreating his injury.

In real life, a player doesn't rack up experience like he does in RS, so once he's played 20 games, his club wouldn't ignore his injuries because there is no benefit to them of healing him, but in RS that can happen. Why would a manager spend money and credits healing a player who has nothing to gain by playing more matches.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
hr Eddie >> mardi février 17 - 13:49
+1 Dragontao, well said.
hr Eddie
eng Stephen >> mardi février 17 - 18:50
Excellent post, Dragontao.
eng Stephen
Administrateur principal
eng Seaburn Beach
ca Wilderbeast >> vendredi février 20 - 14:10
Interesting reading.

Re: "...Why would a manager spend money and credits healing a player who has nothing to gain by playing more matches...."

It's 20 games + friendlies + cup matches + whatever else right? So the owning team is not always sure if a bit more XP is coming.

Consider too: it's the team playing the player that gets him injured with pressing tactics or playing him tired. And also, the playing team's injury modifier chance (TC - HC) is used, not the owner's, right?

I'm not sure, but if it is, this really strengthens the point that the team playing the player should be able to heal.
ca Wilderbeast
hr Eddie >> vendredi février 20 - 14:34
Owner's TC is used. Just look at where you spend XP points on training. It only makes sense that HC is also owner's.
hr Eddie
ca Wilderbeast >> vendredi février 20 - 14:48, Modifié vendredi février 20 - 15:00
I understand Eddie. But I specifically meant just the injury modifier chance.

For example, in my limited experience, I had *no* injuries all last season despite my loaned players coming from teams with big TC-HC difference. Mine were both same level, so I guessed my injury modifier was being used. shrug?

Edit: This year I'm happy to loan a healthy Forward "Zaid Ragheb" whose owner has a 5 point difference (!) between TrainingComplex 10 and HealthCentre 5. It would really change the dynamic of loaning if we had to start worrying about player injuries affected by other's facilities!
ca Wilderbeast
hr Eddie >> vendredi février 20 - 17:18
It's just luck with a modifier. I have 2 levels difference but got a 10 days 4 hours injury in a friendly. In league matches I almost never got an injury, especially not that long.
hr Eddie
lv Namejs >> vendredi février 20 - 18:03
It would be time for Vincent to explain how the Health center on loans works. Because it's interesting which HC actually counts in loan deals.
lv Namejs
lv Namejs >> vendredi février 20 - 18:07
Actually that will as well answer questions about healing loaned players.
lv Namejs
eng Dragontao >> vendredi février 20 - 18:09

Interesting reading.

Re: "It's 20 games + friendlies + cup matches + whatever else right? So the owning team is not always sure if a bit more XP is coming".

You can see what matches a player has played though, and whether or not the team is still in the cup/youth cup. So a manager intent on checking and keeping an eye on his player can see if a player has matches left to play. Plus, depending on the length of injury, even if he has a couple of matches left in a cup, or friendly, the manager may feel it's a small sacrifice if the cost of healing is big - assuming he can be healed in time to play in those games.

Interesting points about the HC though.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2