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Inglés >> Preguntas

Scout Office 4 (4)

us puckett0713 >> sábado abril 27 - 20:39
I wanted to see if anyone know what this means for scout office upgrade 4. I saw it says "weekly wages" what will that do/mean if I upgrade scout 4? Thanks
us puckett0713
sk mat4 >> sábado abril 27 - 20:51
I think it means that in the search profile you can set a weakly wage and the transferlist will only display players with that weakly wage
sk mat4
hu MacikaG >> domingo abril 28 - 04:13, Editado domingo abril 28 - 09:09
yes mat4. In search options I can define min and max of weekly wages and resuls show the players whose wages fits in it.
hu MacikaG
Administrador del Foro
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
pl Ace >> domingo abril 28 - 07:56
You can use weekly wage as a search criteria. You can find a player by the certain wage range.
pl Ace