Liga de Canadá temporada 21

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Season 40 (4)

ca George LGeorge >> martes octubre 9 - 22:53

The Edmonton Cyclones are jubilant that they have finally qualified for the North American League.  Its been a long path for the small market team who not so long ago was playing in Canada's division three.  Answering critics who suggest that Cyclone fans must be masochists to watch such boring, defensive soccer as the Cyclones play, manager George Lok stuttered "we know our place, we're a small market team and we're just trying to be competitive in order to play with the big boys like Hamilton FC.  We take pride in our game too!"  Veteran midfielder Yu-bao Fa was crying after Cyclones final regular season match, "after arriving in Edmonton from China's third division, I never thought I would play for a tournament of such quality like the North American Cup, my career is not yet over!"  Venerable keeper Wen-zhong Tian was to heard to have said, "It was my 40th birthday last week, this is a glorious present!".  On the other end of the spectrum, youthful rookie Sai Virani was ignoring the celebrations and kept playing on his new nintendo Switch.

ca George LGeorge
ca Edmonton Cyclones
ca Alex Seymour >> miércoles octubre 10 - 00:18, Editado miércoles octubre 10 - 04:55

Nice one. Well done George. It's hard to get results when you are chasing the established teams. Keep going, we have all been there. It took me 4 years and 10 months to win the title!

The lads at Hamilton know they are in for a tough game when they fly out to Edmonton. Midfielder Nick Young once described it as '90 minutes of trying to un-pick a lock'.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ca Jax >> miércoles octubre 10 - 12:22

Congrats to both of you on your achievements.  

ca Jax
br lujandecuyo >> miércoles octubre 10 - 15:49

Contrats Alex and George

br lujandecuyo
ca Tristeza Nao Tem Fim