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Inglés >> Sugerencias

search function (5)

nl PokéFlute >> domingo septiembre 15 - 13:43
Hey guys,

I don't know of this is already suggested but I was thinking of a search function. I think this could be a useful function because it is very hard to find players who are suggested by you from your Friends. With this function i was thinking you can search; managers, clubs, players, leagues and national teams.

I dont know if it is possible but of certainly can be useful.
nl PokéFlute
ua Garfman >> jueves septiembre 19 - 04:07
It should be possible, since it was a part of Rocking Rackets. I for one would welcome it, also for the NT to use it to call up players.
ua Garfman
Administrador jefe de la comunidad
ph Garfman FC
nl Vincent de Boer >> jueves septiembre 19 - 09:08
There won't be a sortable table with all players like there is in Rocking Rackets. There are way too many players in the database. The NT already has a shortlist for this purpose.

A search function on name may be possible, but not high priority.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
ua Garfman >> jueves septiembre 19 - 12:03
The shortlist comes up short in my opinion, because there are too few players to choose from. But that's an old discussion, I guess :-)
ua Garfman
Administrador jefe de la comunidad
ph Garfman FC
nl Vincent de Boer >> jueves septiembre 19 - 12:18
No, that's just an entirely different discussion.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe