Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

Question About Loaning Players (4)

us Ulysses >> miércoles junio 12 - 20:46
Does the remaining amount of the 20 game limitation for matches that provide experience reset when a player is loaned? For instance, if my player has played 10 U21 games, would he be able to play 10 or 20 more U21 or league games after being loaned during the next transfer window?
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
nl Balladeer >> miércoles junio 12 - 21:04
You can't loan out players during the mid-season transfer period...
nl Balladeer
us Ulysses >> miércoles junio 12 - 21:43
In that case, what about for exhibitions played before a player is transferred, during the first transfer window?
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
fi Roope >> jueves junio 13 - 09:31

If player changes country everything is reset.

I have 2 players from dutch league and they got 6 friendlys and 20 league and 3 cup.

they had played league and friendlys before transfer.

fi Roope