Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Preguntas

experience points (5)

eg zboy >> domingo abril 11 - 16:56

is there a way to increse how much exp you want to spend then +1?

eg zboy
eng holt >> domingo abril 11 - 17:03

  1. Play him in more matches. Even friendlies help.

  2. Increase the level of your Footbal Academy/Training Center (In your case, it isn't necessary right now)

  3. Have a player with good attributes such as Hardworking and good training morale.

eng holt
eg zboy >> domingo abril 11 - 17:28

holt i mean if i can spend more points on my players if you go to training you can spend +1 on your players i want to increse to +2 or +3 since some of the players have 36,000exp and it will take a long time to just spam click the +1

eg zboy
il Numpty >> domingo abril 11 - 17:31

The simple answer is no. There is no short-cut so you have to click multiple times. 

But it really doesn't take very long to burn through 36,000 xp. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eg zboy >> lunes abril 12 - 09:23


eg zboy