Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Messages sorted better (6)

ee Balthazor >> viernes diciembre 28 - 19:30, Editado viernes diciembre 28 - 19:36

As managing with two clubs I see, that messages of "New contract offered to ..." are sorted by club. Meanwhile there are several types of messages that are connected with certain club too, but visible under both clubs: "New youth player" is probably most important and "Player injured", transfer news. And it's quite annoying when you rush to promote fresh youngster and then discover, that you must change club at first. Then you have lost message with shortcut to youth facility.

So why can't other club-specific messages be visible just under connected club? Honestly saying, most of us don't read "New contract" messages, just marking to read wink

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee onuelver >> sábado diciembre 29 - 17:15

...and "Next round started..." messages should be displayed too only under right club. Otherwise you may bid with wrong club.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> miércoles julio 3 - 10:37

And so it happened yell

My yesterday's transfer disaster would never happen if they were visible only under right club as Labinoti has no such money and there were active lists of loans. Now Puka City will probably end with bankrupt one day as i wasted 200M for player i didn't need and whose asking price was somewhere 150M.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il Numpty >> miércoles julio 3 - 11:15


Sorry for you mate.

I know that technically it's not a bug, but try raising it in the bugs forum and see if Vincent will be kind enough to refund you the money.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
gr PMK >> miércoles julio 3 - 13:58

200M for 5.6 talent? Way too much. The transfer should be cancelled by admins. I wonder why they allowed it.

gr PMK
vi inayima >> miércoles julio 3 - 14:54
? Why would they not?
He paid more than was being asked but is still around 100M less than his market value.
Is sad but doesn't seems to be worth of cancelling it
vi inayima
ec Sukuna