Jing-shuan Chu: Pertandingan

Hari ini - 14:37tw East Taiwan United3-13tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
Hari ini - 03:02td FC Ati2-40PersahabatanCB
Kemarin - 23:02fr Breizh Coyotes de Tahiti7-30PersahabatanCB
Kemarin - 14:33tw Banana TianMu2-10tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
jum'at nopember 15 - 23:19tw Taiwan Wolf2-33tw PialaDCB
jum'at nopember 15 - 14:33tw Taiwan Wolf0-10tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
kamis nopember 14 - 13:17tw 整编74师2-10tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
selasa nopember 12 - 14:27tw Feretory of Souls0-01tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
senin nopember 11 - 13:18tw GER KLOSE3-00tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
minggu nopember 10 - 14:44tw Goraku-bu3-03tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
sabtu nopember 9 - 13:43tw Zuoying Old-city Flâneur2-33tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
jum'at nopember 8 - 14:40tw Apollo3-03tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
kamis nopember 7 - 04:44tw East Taiwan United1-23tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
kamis nopember 7 - 03:40tw Feretory of Souls2-03tw PialaDCB
rabu nopember 6 - 14:36tw Banana TianMu5-03tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
selasa nopember 5 - 11:49tw Taiwan Wolf1-00tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
senin nopember 4 - 14:26tw 整编74师2-13tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
minggu nopember 3 - 11:40tw Feretory of Souls1-11tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
minggu nopember 3 - 03:17tw Zuoying Old-city Flâneur1-23tw PialaDCB
sabtu nopember 2 - 14:40tw GER KLOSE3-23tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
jum'at nopember 1 - 14:49tw Goraku-bu1-00tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
kamis oktober 31 - 14:48tw Zuoying Old-city Flâneur2-13tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
rabu oktober 30 - 12:17tw FC 求败队0-83tw PialaDCB
rabu oktober 30 - 04:45tw Apollo0-43tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB
selasa oktober 29 - 14:22tw East Taiwan United0-20tw Liga Chinese TaipeiDCB