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Luxembourg, Level 2, Season 33 (11)

be Bartje_vM >> 星期三 八月 23 - 21:15

In this thread I will give you some relevant information about Luxembourg's second division. This news is very biased, because I play there myself. I am the manager of CS Luxembourg,  a team that just got dropped to this division.

In first division Luxembourg has three strong teams: FC Strassen (they became the champion for the 27th time), FC Beggen (second this year, champion of S31) and the second club of this year, named Real Luxemburg.

In second division there is one club with some history. Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort became champion of Luxembourg in season 5, but it nowadays has difficulties staying in second division. But, looking at it's facilities, they are a steady club with a stadium that is in expansion. Soon 14.000 fans will be able to enjoy their games, just like mine by the way.

CS Pétange #7 were the champions of the second division, so they earned their ticket to upper class. I will play a friendly game againt them this Friday evening. I do expect to beat them, but the difference isn't that great between our two sides. The point that I would like to make is that first division won't fit them, certainly not because they don't have a manager nor buildings...

My personal goals are to be competitive for the title straight away, but I would not be unhappy to stick around here for some seasons. I am planning to younger my squad and they need a few 'years' to get stronger.

Follow my journey if you want, thanks for reading!

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
ca Jax >> 星期四 八月 24 - 01:41

Good Luck!

ca Jax
be Bartje_vM >> 星期二 八月 29 - 10:21

Thanks Jax, good luck with your club this season! :)

I wrote a new post yesterday, but my connection broke down. Bummer :(

The play-offs and play-downs are down and dusted and we now know who will be participating in Luxembourg's second division. Luxembourg is one of the weakiest countries in RS, only holding the 49th spot out of 54, far behind other small countries like Liechtenstein to only name one.

On our second level we have 14 squads, but only 5 of them are active. The most strong one is FC Haunstetten. Manager Newlachka has the biggest stadium, club popularity, buildings (even staff!) and very good players for this level in every lines. They should win this competition this year to grab their ticket back in first division.

The other four are outsiders for that important second spot which could lead to a (poisoned?) promotion. CS Luxembourg is my team, FC WishIwasinMexico promoted to second division, but got far in the Cup of Luxembourg, so they should be able to compete for the second place. Other active teams are Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort (Smooker) and Elder Scrolls (Angelo).

Personally, I sold quite some experienced key players from last season to save out on wages. Winger Tom Hoderlein, leftback José Ramon Ximenéz and playmaker Tijs de Haan will al be playing for other teams now. Unpromising youngsters (Enrich Rosen, Claude De Keersaecker, Toni Bencatel, Xavier De Cauter en Henry Stern) were also sold.

In return I bought young players to form a solid base for the future in the long run. Frans Enck and Heiko Kuhlann joined the A-squad already, whereas defenders Remy Merode and Karel Provo are temporarely stuck in the B-squad. Hannibals, a club which promoted to first division, sold Vjeran Tomsic to me. This young striker will join my A-squad as a reserve player.

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be Bartje_vM >> 星期天 九月 3 - 22:26

Already three matches have been played and it seems to be a tight competition. None of the human teams succeeded to keep the maximum of the points. 

Go Ahead Eagles took off quite well with two victories and an unfortunate 4-4 draw against current leader CS Hesperange. Second best of the human teams is Elder Scrolls: they managed to beat the favorite FC Haunstetten and us, CS Luxembourg.

The other three teams only got 4/9 out of three games. FC Haunstetten drawed against FC WishIwasinMexico and lost against Elder Scrolls. We (CS Luxembourg) won against WishIwasinMexico, but also lost against Elder Scrolls.

Everyone seems to be able to win or lose against anybody, so things could become exciting.

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be Bartje_vM >> 星期四 九月 28 - 10:36

After today, 26 of the 39 competition games will be played in our league. That means one third of the matches still needs to be played, but when one look on the classification schedule shows us that the three best teams are already known. They just need to decide in which order. First spot means promotion to first division, second and third place delivers you a chance on that, but beating weaker teams from division one is not easy.

Elder Scrolls is in pole position and that is a small surprise because I gave more chances to FC Haunstetten, who are currently holding third place. Scrolls is a satellite club of Sky Castle, one of the biggest squads on The Bahama's. Manager Angelo was the country's champion for three times and captured the cup also four times already. He is a good manager and I did underestimate him in the beginning of this season.

CS Luxembourg (my team) holds the second position with a three points gap between them and the contemporary leader. Hopefully we will be able to beat FC Kirchberg tonight, because last game we drawed against them. Elder Scrolls was able to have this succes because of a lot of decent youg players, the best of them (two strikers) were loaned from other teams. This is not a resent, it's their right to do this. Personally, I don't like to loan players...

Tonight we have a possible important match too for FC Haunstetten, by far the best side in our league. They follow six points behind us and need to beat Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort to be able to keep their (rather small?) chances for the title. The Eagles themselves are underachieving, only being sixth nowadays.

Other news? Yes, there is. FC WishIWasinMexico is no longer a human team since Com Bepfa got dismissed from the team. It is now a bot team called FC Capellen. But they keep a nice fourth place. Last bot not least I am happy to say that we have a new native manager in our league. Maxenal now has his team Maxenal FC. He is quite active, as I see he sometimes buys tickets for my competition games. He holds a modest 8th place, but I personally see him ending very close to a final top-5 spot.

Well, that's all for now. Bye everyone! 

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be maxenal >> 星期五 九月 29 - 10:05

Hi Guys ! I was searching for some information on the forum and I've seen that I've been quoted smile

So thank you for that, and  hope to live up to your expectations Bartje !

I will also use this post to tell you about what I'm looking for : what would be the main difference between Striker and Second Striker in ROckingSoccer? Only distance (this means use a powerful striker) ? Where could I find some information ?

Thanks a lot for the help !

be maxenal
eng Samuel >> 星期五 九月 29 - 13:10

Hi Guys, it is great to see other active managers in the Luxembourg leagues.

I have taken a new challenge with my second team.

The Avengers are in last place in league 3.1.

There have never had a manager before and have never brought or sold a single player, I will continue this by never buying or selling a player and will only ever have players that are produced from my youth team.

I want to see if it is possible to get to league 1 by only using home grown players. I imagine it wil be a very very slow process but it wil be a great challenge. A money earned from games and competitions will be used just for facility upgrades.

Best of luck to you all.

eng Samuel
be Bartje_vM >> 星期五 九月 29 - 20:01

Hello Maxenal,

I am not a tactical expert in this game, so I can't answer your question. I don't even get your point about a striker and a second striker (I think you mean shadow striker?)

Anyways, I think you will get more response to it by posting a new thread in this topic below:


@Samuel: I have tought about that idea too, but the thing is that there is a very large gap between small teams and the bigger clubs in first division. In my opinion you might be able to get there slowly with a squad fully filled with homegrown players, but to stay there will be tough. The only thing I would advise you is to get a very good youth AND training facility. It is a very nice challenge and I will follow your team, but I don't have that much patience for it ;)

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be maxenal >> 星期四 十月 12 - 06:47, 已编辑 星期四 十月 12 - 11:37

Hi Bartje_vM,

I just wanted to say that it appears that you were some kind of a lucky charm for me laughing : I'm standing in 6th place, with the exact same number of points that the 5th team, FC Capellen and just above (for 1 point) Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort ! And the final game will really be like a big final for me, as I will play against FC Capellen surprised So if I win, I will finish 5th cool. But if I lose and if Go Ahead doesn't, I will finish 7th undecided.

My game is in a bit less than 5 hours.. so fingers crossed until then.

And by the way nice job for your 2nd place ! I will follow your results in the top league for the next season and hope you'll stay there smile

EDIT 13:30 : And I finish 5th ! Way better than I expected after the first couple of games. But with the good teams coming from Division 3, I think it will be quit difficult to stay there next season.

be maxenal
be Bartje_vM >> 星期四 十月 12 - 13:54, 已编辑 星期四 十月 12 - 14:08

 The 33th season in Luxembourg's second division is finished, the last first division matches still needs to be played today. That's an important difference because it's not decided who ends just before the team that goes to second division and thus needs to play key games to stay in upper class.

Elder Scrolls is the deserved champion in our second division and I finished secondly with a gap of 4 points. I lost a crucial game against him directly and for the last games he only drawed in one game the last matches...All credits to him. I am happy with my second place, certainly because I was the only one that kept close with him. FC Haunstetten finished thirdly with 77 points, 16 points less then me.

The three spots were clear for a while, but I am glad an active team with a motivated manager who even found this topic, was able to secure a nice 5th place in a direct duel with FC Capellen (human team that turned into a bot team this season, but still with some decent players).

So, I think I have to play qualification games against low ranked first division teams, but I'm not sure. I will see about that. Anyway, frankly, my team is too weak for first division, but I could be able to upgrade my stadium when I'm in upper class...

In this transfer period I want to buy two good players, a defender and a midfielder. And next season I would want to upgrade my stadium if possible...

@Maxenal: one piece of advice: if you can, buy one or two defenders with at least two golden stars or one (young player). You receive too many goals against. I fill follow you too ;)

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
be maxenal >> 星期四 十月 12 - 14:24, 已编辑 星期四 十月 12 - 14:28

Thanks for the advice Bartje. I have planned to buy a good defender (6+ value, so 2 golden stars or more) and also a good DM (also around that level). So it's in line with what you recommend laughing

be maxenal