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Inglés >> Competiciones

RS Africa Djibouti League !!!!!!!!!! (8)

cn Milton Hessian >> viernes marzo 27 - 23:32

My friends, come to the Djibouti League in Africa. It's all new teams. Let's fight for the championship together

cn Milton Hessian
ve China Unicom >> domingo marzo 29 - 23:46

There are now 15 players in the African Djibouti League, and I hope there will be friends to join.

ve China Unicom
ve China Unicom >> lunes marzo 30 - 23:35

Djibouti, Africa, now has 16 managers. Everyone has not been playing for a long time. I hope all friends will come and develop together.

ve China Unicom
eng Proper Top Gaffer >> martes marzo 31 - 23:41

Hm the top league is not fully filled.

eng Proper Top Gaffer
eng AFC Cumbria United
ve China Unicom >> miércoles abril 1 - 03:12

There is also a novice team and two senior teams in the top league.The level 2 team has six managers

ve China Unicom
rw PisicaBlack >> viernes abril 17 - 21:15

I'm in ! Young teams! Perfect to start !

rw PisicaBlack
ke Robi Nairobi
ve China Unicom >> domingo abril 19 - 11:41

Djiboutian league 1 teams have all been taken over by managers, and there are several teams in league 2. welcome all managers to join us. Djibouti is very lively now.

ve China Unicom
nl JvB >> viernes abril 24 - 09:20

Amazing how many teams joined already. Even I am considering now!

nl JvB
nl Jeka