Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Debate general

Endurance bug fixed (5)

nl Vincent de Boer >> sábado marzo 23 - 11:42
We found a bug in calculating the endurance for older players. Their endurance was multiplied by the age factor only once instead of twice. The latter is how it was described in the help and how it was already correctly shown in some places.

Fixing this bug will change the fatigue your players get from playing matches a little though. You may notice your older players (27-28+) with a low endurance getting more tired as of now.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
pl Ace >> sábado marzo 23 - 13:40
Even better! I'd like the game to be more difficult.
pl Ace
ro Luiza Campioana >> sábado marzo 23 - 18:28
players for sale !
ro Luiza Campioana
ro Minerul Lupeni
cl axel000 >> domingo marzo 24 - 21:03
I wish the players who were stars when young will decrease less resistance when old after all were great players and always maintain a regular level. Reviews?
cl axel000
cl Cultural-Obrero
nl Corniel >> domingo marzo 24 - 21:46
@Axcel. That will happen, with this implementation. No worries.
nl Corniel