Pagrindai: Getting a different team

If you are dissapointed in the team that you were assigned to or want to get a team in a different country you can get a new team after leaving your own team.

You are not allowed to create more than one account so you should not create new accounts to try out a new club, this will get you banned. It is possible to switch clubs without creating a new account.

Leaving your current team

You can leave your club after going to "account" and choosing "leave club". When you leave your club you will have to start over again from the beginning so only do this if you are sure you don't like your current club. Depending on how advanced your club is there are two things that can happen.

Pay attention before leaving a club, because if you resign from a club you will not be able to become the manager of this club again later if you change your mind.

Leaving a new club

If you are a relatively new player your account will be completely reset and you will start with the tutorial again after getting a new club. Your old club will also be reset, its buildings will be removed and the player you created as part of the tutorial will be removed as well (if he is still in the club).

Leaving an advanced club

If you have your stadium at level 3 or higher and the youth center or the training complex at level 5 or higher you have an advanced club. In this case you can move directly from your current club to a new club. You will not get the tutorial in your new club but you can take 3 players with you from the old club to your new club. It is important to realise you can't take facilities with you.

You can't take players that you bought less than 3 seasons ago. Players that you created or that were generated by your youth center can always be taken.

You also can't take players from a club where have been manager for less than a season (52 days).

To switch to a new club you should not leave your club but find a club you want to move to while you are still employed by your old club. On the overview page of this club you should go to "manager log" to move directly to this club.

You can not take players to a club in a new country (less than 5 seasons played) or to one of the 5 strongest clubs in a country when sorted on star value of the best 11 players or on average talent of the 11 most talented players.

When you leave an advanced club its facilities aren't removed but lose one level. This will result in a bot-team that has facilities. These teams can not be taken by new players but they can be taken by other managers who left an advanced club. When this happens the new manager inherits the buildings that remained after you left the club.

Your old club will also lose one third of its popularity when you leave it.

Getting a new club

If you do not have an advanced club or do not want to take players then you can join a new club after leaving your current club.

When you are without a club you can join a new club as if you were a new player. You can answer the quick selection questions again to get a random club, but you can also go to the page of a specific club with a bot-manager that you want to be a manager of and pick it manually.

Note that if you want to pick an advanced club you can only do so if by switching clubs. You can not join them when you are without a club. You can recognise advanced clubs because they have a popularity higher than 0.

Famous clubs

Teams that are in the top 50 of the coefficient ranking can not be taken over by a new manager. Only the last manager of this club can regain control of it.