Svetolik Šušić

Svetolik Šušić yra saugas iš Serbija Rocking Soccer žaidime: Visiškai nemokamas internetinis futbolo vadybos žaidimas

TautybėSerbija rs
Amžius60metai, 4savaitės (10%)
Specialūs įgūdžiaiAgile
+1 ball speed for keeper, 25% chance to avoid a duel

Publikos žaidėjas
Žaidžia geriau namuose, bet blogiau išvykose.

Branginantis kamuolį
Žaidėjas gauna papildomos gynybos kai priešininkas bando atimti iš jo kamuolį.

Gets a bonus of 0.25 ball passing and dueling and 1 ball blocking and speed when the player is on one of the flanks. Gets a penalty when the player is in the center.

Kampinių stabdytojas
Žaidėjas turi dvigubai daugiau galimybių atkovoti kamuolį gynyboje kai keliamas kampinis

Long shots
Gets a bonus at scoring from outside the penalty area. Can also use passing or dueling instead of scoring for these shots.
Fizinė būklė
Staff profilers Svetolik Šušić
Transfer status
Players with a transfer status are shown in a separate table under the transfer list in the scout office. If a player is available for transfer other managers can make enquiries for at least 80% of the market value of the player. If the player is marked as "not needed by club" then other managers can make enquiries for 33% of the market value. All enquiries must be manually accepted before the player is put on the transfer list.
Available for transfer