Beto Lara

Beto Lara yra saugas iš Brazilija Rocking Soccer žaidime: Visiškai nemokamas internetinis futbolo vadybos žaidimas

TautybėBrazilija br
Amžius50metai, 24savaitės (10%)
Specialūs įgūdžiaiDarbštus
Patirties taškus gauna 25% daugiau rungtynių per sezoną.

Driblingo meistras
Žaidėjas gauna 1 papildomą kamuoliuką greičiui kai turi kamuolį.

Forwards can use scoring as passing, midfielders can use passing as scoring and defenders can use dueling as passing. Gets 0.15 ball penalty on the primary function or 0.3 ball penalty when using a skill for its alternative function.
Fizinė būklė
Staff profilebr Beto Lara
Transfer status
Players with a transfer status are shown in a separate table under the transfer list in the scout office. If a player is available for transfer other managers can make enquiries for at least 80% of the market value of the player. If the player is marked as "not needed by club" then other managers can make enquiries for 33% of the market value. All enquiries must be manually accepted before the player is put on the transfer list.
Available for transfer