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pw Su >> 星期一 六月 3 - 15:46, 已编辑 星期一 六月 3 - 15:46
So today I came over on the separation of skill points to each of the players. I would point out that this is not just a question of discussion. But turning to the merits - relying on the help of the game and simulations Match discovered "my" best formation namely
4-4-2 diamond. I got the impression that we should not set the enemy formation, but formations of the players' skills. okay two middle line of defense has been dueling wheel 70 and are the best on the team (based on the training base - the number of "how many times trained" so I give them the training that will enable blocking blocking the shot. My backs are darn good, but often as not derive counterattack know how to give what usually ends up stroke the ball over for a corner the opponent. So-backs begin to train the ability to pass the ball. then my personnel defensive midfielder who has more than 70 pass the ball and tactics wheel 60 will be trained now dueling (there is an option to block but I prefer tackling than the interception pass the ball) then the two side trainees pass the ball to change and duels. No. and attacking midfielder pass the ball which is trained to level 61 and I think I can train shot and tactics. first sniper shot a 80, will train the tactics and the second which will train pass the ball (I think that's often the case that gets a sniper and he holds pile it on, instead of state or whatever). summarize the strategy of 4-4-2 diamond I have two of my strongest defenders who are trained on predicting shot, strong midfield and strikers I hope one assisting another shooter. obviously supported attacking midfielder who trains further shots. What do you think about the distribution of skills you have planned and this tactic? I wish this issue was used for consideration of the formations and the distribution of skills. Divide your formations and Chapter points if you like. etc. We evaluate prompt waiting for an opinion :) Regards :) i'M SORRY FOR MY POOR ENGLISH
pw Su
au Mr Legs >> 星期二 六月 4 - 14:06
I understand what you are trying to do. Although, it's not the approach I am taking. But with this game there is no right or wrong way & it's up to each manager to work best within the mechanics of the game & the players they have at their diposal.

Having said that, I am mainly training my guys high in their primary skill (keeper-blocking, defender-duelling, midfield-passing, forward-scoring). I'm not convinced having secondary skill trained is an advantage over having very high primary skills.

I put my midfielders with the best duelling skill in the DM position, but I haven't trained them further in that skill than what they arrived to the club with.

I have trained my keeper a little bit in passing, just to cut down on passing errors when he feeds the ball back in to play. But I don't think it is necessary for your backs to have good passing, as passes take the highest skill of the two players involved. So a back passing to a midfielder won't be using his passing skill, only the midfielders will count.

The only exception to this is tactics, I am training my forwards in tactics (especially the young blokes) - as I am finding my higher tactics forward is doing most of the scoring against the good teams. With my better forward does most of the scoring against the weaker teams, so I'm assuming that tactics is the issue. I might even consider upping the tactics of the backs for this reason, but haven't been doing that much so far.

In the case of having one forward with high passing & the other on scoring, I feel you may be limiting your opportunities. I much prefer to have the midfielders with the high passing skill crossing or making the final pass & either forward (I always play 2) being able to finish.

With regards to formation, I must admit, I play 4-4-2 diamond more often than not. It seems to give the best mix of defense & attack. So after 10 or more analysis's, more often than not, it seems that formation works best for me too. Although against weaker teams or teams with weaker midfields, I often load up the midfield with a 3-5-2. And if I need to go super-defensive, I go with 5-3-2sweeper (won't happen a lot in the Aussie comp this season, but it may get a good run in the Champions League).

But as I said at the start, each manager needs to work out what works best for them, it's what will keep this game interesting. And who knows, when I get knocked out of the Champions League in an early round by someone who has done what you have suggested, maybe I will have to go back & reconsider my training approach. Of course the opposite might happen, in which case I would keep doing what I am doing.

Anyway, it's a good idea to chat about different approaches in the open forum.
au Mr Legs
at schorny >> 星期二 六月 4 - 14:20
@Mr. Legs:
you start to get diminishing returns at a certain level. For example my striker needs 3281xp for +0.05 scoring. With 3281xp I can get him 0.3 dueling or whatever I feel is needed. So as I agree with your approach - just pushing the main stat, at some point it becomes interesting to push other stats. Maybe 0.3 is not enough for you, but maybe when the next +0.05 scoring costs 5000xp you may want 0.6 passing instead ;)
at schorny
vu Amun-Ra >> 星期二 六月 4 - 17:06, 已编辑 星期二 六月 4 - 17:14
Interesting read, Mr Legs.

Seems like we got different views though.

For one, I do train passing with my defenders. For the reason that I want my defenders' passes to arrive. Surely when they pass to another defender. (or gk passing to a defender)
The duelling skill I kinda neglect after having raised it to 2.5-3 stars with al my defenders. Simply because almost no-one has forwards with a high duelling skill, nor midfielders. So it should be ok for a while.

I dont like the idea of every position to have the same preferred skillcount. I hate managing the current NT selecting system because I end up with a shortlist of defenders with high duelling and tactics, midfielders with high passing and tactics and forwards with high scoring and tactics. This leaves me very limited in creating line-ups. Every player looks for 90%+ the same as his possible sub for his position. I want different profiles. And thats how I will train my fairly young squad.

Here's how I am training my players: (preferred fixed skills)

My defenders' requirements are;
sweeper: duelling+blocking. Passing as well, but the other 2 skills have priority over passing. Tactics is not my main concern. (power)
DC's: duelling, tactics and passing. (power, endurance)
wingbacks: duelling, passing, tactics (in time I will raise their scoring skill as well) (speed, endurance)

About the midfielders; There are 4 (or 8) different types of players. I train tactics and passing for every type of midfielder.

My DMC's needs to have a lot of duelling. Eventually or occasionally I train their blocking as well. (power+endurance)
My MC's need very high passing and tactics. (endurance)
My AMC's need scoring and duelling. (power+speed)
My wingers need very high passing and duelling. (speed)

types 5-8 are defending wingers and attacking wingers. I am not yet specialising wingers for those positions.

Then my forwards. I need 2 forwards with scoring maximised. Besides scoring I do train their tactics as well. (power)
Then I need 1 forward with high scoring and high duelling. I'm gonna buy one later when my opponents become stronger.

My FL/R's dont need a lot of scoring imo, but a lot of passing and tactics. Scoring is secondary for me, 2,5 balls are fine atm. (speed)

GK: blocking. together with 2 stars on tactics and passing.

note*1: I only want/need a lot of endurance for players on positions I use every game. Except for my forwards. I have a big squad (21 MT players, including 9 U21s, and another 10 U21 players in my reserves squad) so I have alternatives on every position.

note^2: I need/want every position to be backed twice. Just to allow my players to gain 20 or 25 (for my hardworking players) matches experience. More games are a shame I think, and I'll only field them in very important matches when I need my strongest squad no matter what.
vu Amun-Ra
mt zio_pey >> 星期二 六月 4 - 20:57
I never trained a player in tactic till now but seems an error :D
mt zio_pey
us Ulysses >> 星期二 六月 4 - 21:08
I've been heavily training secondary attributes, but I might start focusing more on the primary attributes. My players have significantly better values than much of my competition, but I often find myself winning or losing 1 goal games. I suspect that it is due to their primary attributes being under-trained. I should be able to start to catch up now since I'm basically done training my starters' tactics (though I may train it more for my forwards).

Goaltenders: I've trained blocking about 2:1 compared to dueling and passing. While the help page suggests that dueling might be worthwhile, and passing should be worthwhile, I think I might stop training the secondary attributes for my goalies, change the ratio to 3:1, or only train the secondary attributes to 2 soccer balls.

Defensemen: I've trained blocking and passing at 2:1 for my defensemen. I have one defenseman with .75 or so shooting who has surprisingly been my third best goal scorer. I train blocking at 3:2 for center defensemen. As a result, my center defensemen have been extremely effective; most of the players on the national teams tend to have relatively high blocking.

Midfielders: I train the normal midfielders at 2:1 for dueling and scoring. I train defensive midfielders like my center defensemen at 3:2 but for dueling. I train my attacking forward at 3:2 for passing. I train all of them at 3:1 for blocking. My primary attacking midfielder hasn't really scored much; in general, I might want to focus less on scoring for all of my midfielders.

Forwards: I train my forwards at 2:1 for passing and 3:1 for dueling. I'm not sure how much dueling helps for corner kicks, especially when competing against defensemen with high dueling, but I train it pursuant to the guide's suggestion. I think the passing is worthwhile so the forwards are capable of receiving long passes from the midfielders without making a mistake. It was really annoying when my forwards would constantly drop their passes in the beginning.

The majority of my players have at least 2.75 tactics, a high number but hopefully not excessively so.

As for formation, I used to favor the 4-4-2 diamond formation, but I've had bad luck with it recently and have been experimenting with alternatives. In general, I've found that forwards on the left and right side, as well as an excess of attacking midfielders, have not not been especially effective for my team.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
au Mark Hooper >> 星期二 六月 18 - 12:12
Schorny, what are you referring to when you talk about getting only 0.05 and where can you see the increase you talk about?
au Mark Hooper
nl Danh >> 星期二 六月 18 - 12:48, 已编辑 星期二 六月 18 - 12:50
I am fairly new to this game but I have some training schedules in mind and I focus on certain players on the different positions.

For gk I use fast players with high blocking tactics and passing I haven't trained yet so I will think about it.

DC I use players with a lot of power to support there duelling I am also planning on training tactics and blocking but duelling mainly

wb I use speedy players and any power is very welcome for duelling further I think tactics is very important on this position also to keep getting back on time in the right position.

DM powerfull players with high passing and some duelling aswel as tactics

mc I want them to be physical superiour in both area's they need to move offensive and defensive so speed and tactics will ensure that also they do longshots and passing so they need power it helps duelling also. so cm's need a lot off passing and then tactics and duelling/scoring as third highest. but like I said physical is very important cause it gives bonusses to all skills and he needs to be very all round.

wide players I was think of flank play next season with the new tactic options so I want fast players there with power as a bonus.
Passing should be trained alot along with tactics for the rest make scoring a bit higher then duelling.

I use speed for the scoring bonus and power for the distance shot so they are both important cause they are pure finishers so scoring must be trained the most as for duelling and passing I think they can help havent got an idea about the ratio's yet.

I focus mainly on physical players cause they give a lot of bonus on stats but also on actions in the field.
speed and tactics is a good combo I think And slow players need a lot of tactics to make up for there slow moving. power is good for duelling and also for long passes and shots so the middle players need lots of this.


This is just an idea wich I want to test in the coming future.
nl Danh
vu Amun-Ra >> 星期二 六月 18 - 13:03
I agree with most you wrote, but concerning speed, I dont feel speed is important for a sweeper, DMC/MC and Striker (target player)
vu Amun-Ra
sg FlameTermite >> 星期二 六月 18 - 13:16
For me when I started this game I will see the players I have and make the best formation for them. Then the first team players will train according to there positions. The reserves will develop base on their best position they can be shaped to. If the player can be either or (like can be both good CM or LM), I will make it fill the slot with the least number of players able to play that position.

But of course there are fallbacks, It is hard to find a successor (which I have to change formation once the players retired out).

Next I will sell the players when too many of them can play the some position (or when I feel that being in my club is useless but they might help other teams.....or maybe for money..opps..)

I trained my players with a minimum number to hit when their primary skill hits a certain level. (so its like add scoring for striker, then add tactic when the scoring hits a certain number. Will be different for hole-player but I don't have 1 yet to worry about, haha)
sg FlameTermite
nl Danh >> 星期二 六月 18 - 13:22
@Pepe I think speed is vital to mc since they have to move between offense and defense and speed makes them move faster and further between fields.
also strikers (targetman) still get scoring bonus from speed and moves into position faster.
Ofcourse power is a bit more important but spd is also very beneficial for these positions especially for mc's.
nl Danh
at schorny >> 星期二 六月 18 - 15:48
@Mark Hooper:
the higher the skill of a player, the more expensive it is to increase it.
So for example my forward needs 3,528 XP to increase scoring by 1 step (which is 0.05 balls). But for example with 3,528 XP, I could increase his passing by 5 steps (which is 0.25 balls). So at a certain point it gets very expensive to increase the primary attribute and therefore it is a good idea to spend XP also on other attributes.

0.05 balls is the standard step a player's skill increases if you train him one time. But the age-modificator might reduce this amount.

I agree, Speed is not important for DMC/MC, power is much more important for them. For Strikers Speed in itself is not that important, but speed gives scoring bonus. So it might be valuable, but certainly not a key factor. I do disagree on sweepers though - sweepers are often running around the field - so speed will help.
at schorny
hu MacikaG >> 星期二 六月 18 - 17:47
My favourite skill is endurance. Without the high endurance (minimum 3,5 but over 4 is better) my player can't play day by day 2 or sometimes 3 matches. And level 5 health center increase regeneration by 50%. And I have an "experimental rabbit" player, I only train his tactics. :-)
hu MacikaG
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽