Liga de Canadá temporada 47 [2]

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League of Canada [2] Season 30 (10)

ca Sadrudin >> domingo marzo 26 - 14:59
Does anyone have any thoughts on the upcoming season?
ca Sadrudin
ca Sadrudin >> sábado abril 8 - 15:45
Maybe I could get a top 4 finish?
ca Sadrudin
ca Sadrudin >> domingo mayo 7 - 14:41, Editado domingo mayo 7 - 14:42
Congratulations to sockem and Leónidas for get (at least) a top 4 finish!

It's sort of wierd that Paskal's left though...
ca Sadrudin
ca Ron >> lunes mayo 8 - 11:11
Well Van City returning to League 2 next season...Sorry all who were hoping to get promoted...There is such a vast difference of talent in the two Leagues its tough for the bottom two teams to compete up there...
ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Sadrudin >> martes mayo 9 - 00:08
I did beat you last season Ron! Just rubbing in! :D
ca Sadrudin
ca Ron >> martes mayo 9 - 00:55
you did...I also won I believe 6 games that season before in League before getting sent down...This year I won 1 with a far better team...less randomness kills...Anyway..I actually really like Knockers suggestion of moving more teams into League and in turn into League..If you went from 12 to 18 teams in League and League 2 you could close one of the League 3 divisions...This would help teams earn more which in turn makes then able to complete at a better rate then they are now..It might also help the bot situation out at the lower League level if teams went up to League quicker..You could still send down the bottom 3 or 4 each year..Interesting concept...I know my division in Africa has I think 18 or 16 teams in it..
ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC