Фанови: Type of fans

Not all fans are equally devoted to your team. There are three types of fans in Rocking Soccer.

Casual fans

These are the most common fans, the are worth 1 point of popularity.

A casual fan likes you team, probably follows the results of your matches and will cheer for you when you win, but he won't often visit your stadium.

You get 100 casual fans each day, depending on the level of your fanshop this can be increased.

You also get casual fans by playing matches, especially from playing away matches.

Normal fans

Normal fans are slightly more devoted that casual fans. They are more likely to visit your stadium and they stay your fan for a longer period. A normal fan is worth 4 points of popularity.

You get normal fans when you win or draw your home matches. You also get some (but significantly less) when you win or draw away matches. You also get normal fans when people buy tickets to your matches using the ticket link.

Once you have a fanshop, it will also convert some of your casual fans to normal fans each day. The higher the level of your fanshop, the more fans are converted.

Fanclub members

Fanclub members are the best type of fans. They often come to your stadium and stay with you for a long time. Each fanclub member is worth 25 points of popularity.

You get fanclub members when a new person buys tickets to one of your matches using your ticket link.

You can also get them when you have a fanshop. The fanshop slowly converts normal fans into fanclub members. The higher the level of your fanshop, the more fans are converted.