Liga de Uzbekistán temporada 53

Goles marcados

me L. Adamovićuz Real Tashkent FC7030
md M. Lomonosovuz Real Tashkent FC6330
ao R. Meirelesuz FC Ar-Ramadi5326
gr Z. Diakoloukasuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽5020
uy D. Alzogarayuz United ING5028
sl K. Abiolauz Real Tashkent FC5030
uz B. Khalilovuz Real Tashkent FC3630
tm T. Teymuruz FK Buchara2728
vn V. Chí Tínuz United ING2630
uz V. Kamenskyuz Grey Wolf FC2129


uz B. Khalilovuz Real Tashkent FC5430
uz L. Messiuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽5028
cn S. Chouuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽4421
tz T. Sephaliuz Real Tashkent FC3227
gy L. Francouz FK Tashkent #42429
tr A. Oghanuz United ING2130
ge D. Mikeladzeuz FC Ar-Ramadi2019
hu B. Kardosuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽1922
nu T. Lomuuz FK Tashkent #41927
af S. Psametiksaneithuz FK Navoi1230

Portería invicta (Porteros)

JugadorEquipoPortería invictaPJ
kos B. Malauz Real Tashkent FC2830
lv H. Kurmisuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽2525
fi J. Sarasteuz FK Tashkent #42430
tw T. Yueuz United ING1730
sr C. Barloweuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽1416
tm E. Myasoedovuz FK Navoi1229
vc D. Bulmeruz FC Ar-Ramadi918
tr T. İlbeyuz FK Kokand727
af U. Arbibuz FK Tashkent #3630
ba S. Begovićuz FK Olot630

Número de tarjetas amarillas

kg S. Ryabuhinuz FK Beshariq1522
uz S. Suleymanovuz FK Andijon #51428
fr S. Borainuz FK Kokand #41228
uz R. Vakhailovuz FK Salor1025
ge D. Mikeladzeuz FC Ar-Ramadi819
ru M. Lazovertuz FK Beshariq822
fr S. Bradwardineuz FK Navoi827
cy B. Al Shahraniuz FK Kokand #4827
ni E. Barredouz FK Kokand724
ba H. Pandžauz FK Olot727

Número de tarjetas rojas

kg S. Ryabuhinuz FK Beshariq222
ru V. Koltsovuz FK Kokand #4225
cn K. Woouz FK Kokand115
ru M. Lazovertuz FK Beshariq122
uz R. Vakhailovuz FK Salor125
cy B. Al Shahraniuz FK Kokand #4127
il Y. Jacobsonuz FK Olot127
us B. Duffyuz FK Tashkent #3127
to H. Kondonuz FK Tashkent #3127
fr S. Bradwardineuz FK Navoi127

Gol en propia meta

JugadorEquipoGol en propia metaPJ
kg K. Tugayuz FK Kokand124
to H. Kondonuz FK Tashkent #3127
fr M. Fiquetuz FK Buchara129
kz M. Khalidanovuz FK Salor130
sc G. Laurantuz FK Buchara130