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Inglés >> Debate general

Next season game engine changes (32)

nl Vincent de Boer >> lunes julio 1 - 09:31
Next season we plan to make some small changes to the game engine. We trust this will make the game more realistic without excessively hurting one type of player, though it will of course affect everyone a little.

- Advanced tactics
We'll add the advanced tactics to all matches. You can now already experiment with them in friendly matches.

- Cards
There will be 33% more yellow and red cards.

- Red card penalty
When one of your players is sent off (because of cards or injury without replacement) the remaining players will receive a penalty comparable to the home advantage. This simulates that they have to work harder to cover the field.

- Youth Bonus
The youth bonus will be reduced with approximately 33%. The reason for this is that the young players are a little too strong now and players drop too much after turning 22.

- Scoring chance
The scoring chance will be reduced a little because there are a bit too many goals in matches between strong teams. We're still working out the exact details for this but it won't be a shocking difference.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
pl lcc >> lunes julio 1 - 09:41
>>- Cards
>> There will be 33% more yellow and red cards.

Great! I think it could be not enough. I'd like to see much more injuries and suspensions. I want to see more squad rotation :)
pl lcc
cn 桑特拉奇 >> lunes julio 1 - 09:55, Editado lunes julio 1 - 09:56
I'm keen to experience this update in next season. This update will let us re-consider the team line-up, players age and what tactic we use.

It is a good start to think about something in real life soccer game rather than just build up some statistics on the background and let it run all by itself.
cn 桑特拉奇
cn 桑特拉奇 >> lunes julio 1 - 10:16, Editado lunes julio 1 - 10:18
- Advanced tactics

I believe this is just the beginning and there have more setup on game tactics.

- Cards
"There will be 33% more yellow and red cards."

This is a good stuff. Before people try to setup tactics to play rude in game, they need think about what they will pay for doing this.

- Red card penalty
"When one of your players is sent off (because of cards or injury without replacement) the remaining players will receive a penalty comparable to the home advantage. This simulates that they have to work harder to cover the field."

Great think and the actual performance in a game comes from how your guys setup formula to control it.

- Youth Bonus
"The youth bonus will be reduced with approximately 33%. The reason for this is that the young players are a little too strong now and players drop too much after turning 22."

This is the best thing I can see. Too many teams have completely setup pure teenage teams and they just rely on young people's bonus with incredible upper limit. This is unfair and this is not happening in real life.
Apparently, old players have more experience and know how to best use their skills. Young players are normally good at endurance, strength and speed that make them like endless machine in the game. Therefore, the best team means the best combination of your players.

- Scoring chance
"The scoring chance will be reduced a little because there are a bit too many goals in matches between strong teams. We're still working out the exact details for this but it won't be a shocking difference."

This is true and we are playing soccer, not basketball.

Great work Vincent and please keep on.
cn 桑特拉奇
no Nicobosco >> lunes julio 1 - 10:31
one suggestion:

i think that efficiency % lowering too fast.
i mean, in real soccer, players reach the apex of their career at 25/27 years
here a 27 y.o players has too low efficiency ..a big penality that make less effective skills, and at 30 is pratically a useless player.
it's bad, looking a 22yo player that's ageing so fast
no Nicobosco
nl Danh >> lunes julio 1 - 11:08

I agree with you altough maybe the suggestion forum is the place for this.


Keep up the good work the changes sound good and this feel like a good realistic manager game.
nl Danh
au Capernicus >> lunes julio 1 - 11:58
Indeed the age thing is a little ridiculous... It's like saying people can't be fit over the age of 30... I know a fair lot of people who are actually fitter after they turn 30 not to mention some of the best soccer players are over 30. Just look at Harry Kewell he is Australia's best striker/midfielder and is 34... I mean come on.
au Capernicus
cn 橙子 >> lunes julio 1 - 12:07
Good Changes! Thanks for your great work

I agree with you. The speed of decreasing is too high. Maybe it will be better to increase the penalty of players over 30 and decrease taht of players under 30.
cn 橙子
tg Oogie Man >> lunes julio 1 - 13:27
The age reason is what's 1/2 way killing the Youth. I believe that the age needs to be raised, but leave the youth alone. The only reason people are stacking rookies now is cuz it's the only way to have a chance to play with a better team than you. The only players that are any good in the game now are created players or players that were exactly like the players you're talking about now high talent good skilled players that managers trained to be "good" players. They aren't selling them. So the only way to compete with them is to get an equally good "Young" player and train him into a player of better caliber. If not you limit people that are coming in to the game or started their first season this season, to only being able to buy and sell players to gain any kind of setbacks presented financially. Because better teams will (most likely) always have a bigger stadium seeing as how a fan club gives you more money, fans. Your training facilities will always train your guys more per match per day. So taking out big advantage you get from rookies is pretty much saying for the first 3 seasons from now on anyone joining the game will be at a disadvantage...until they can get every facility to the point of the div 1 teams, with very little hope of being a phenom team that can show up the world.

P.S. If the post seems ranty, or whiny. I don't intend for that. I'm just trying to point out a couple things that popped into my mind. BECAUSE...I have a team exactly like this :P All of my players at the end of this season were going to be sold off to go younger and younger.

But also most users want to be apart of the youth and latter the national tournament teams. So everyone will be trying to always get the youngest and best players. So lot of varying factors into why people do stack young players...not that they are phenoms. I had an older team was 1st place. Wanted to play players in Nation Matches so went young and dropped to 12th.

But GL Love the game and hope that any info on this post isn't takin the wrong way. Always trying to keep an open mind when it comes to new strategy games :P
tg Oogie Man
dk Kaiser Franz >> lunes julio 1 - 13:32
Great news!

The priority of developing a realistic game-engine is IMO a great strategic move.

The realism in Rocking Soccer is really a "key-selling-point" vs. other manager games.

I´ve played various online, and my experience is, that the outcome/result of a match often is a question of mathematical probability, and the importance of tactical instructions is reduced to minimum. This reduces the game- experience to a "dice-throw-kind-of-game", where your only objective is to maximize your overall skill-indicator, in order to increase your chances in with the dice...

More tactical influence to managers, is the best way to make this game better!

NB. "Advanced Tactics" - FTW (For The Win ;-)

Keep up the good work!
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
tw 小冠 >> lunes julio 1 - 14:20
I think adding "form" into the game is good.

A player will be in a duration of good or bad form every day.
tw 小冠
cn 桑特拉奇 >> lunes julio 1 - 14:30

I totally agree with you. 27-30 should be the gold age for soccer. Some positions even need old experienced guys.
cn 桑特拉奇
nl Corniel >> lunes julio 1 - 14:47
The reason that older players at the moment seems to worthless, has more to do with the fact that they are untalented than that they are old. Don't draw conclusions too easy.

At the moment there are hardly any players over 27 with more then 3.0 talent (most of them have around 2.5 or so), and the other skills are not great either. Furthermore, these guys have no more then 3 years playing experience.

About things that have been tweaked: I think that they are improvements. I hope that (as compensation) the Youth bonus can be taken into account by the NT short-list (by adding 50% or 33% of the Youth bonus to there value).
nl Corniel
sco Scotland1983 >> lunes julio 1 - 15:24
hmm i like them but yh but youth bonus to a degree should be factored in to nt shortlists it would be fair:)
sco Scotland1983
eng James >> lunes julio 1 - 15:25
I think the youth change is a great move, again decreasing the overpowered 250 credit players who have less talent than some of my youth players, but will grow to become much better players because of their high potential stars. Also, I know that this isn't a suggestion forum but because other people have written about old age, I will too. I think that their skill should be decreased slightly, but the main thing that should decrease is their endurance. I will give you an example, Kevin Phillips is a 39 year old Crystal Palace player, who is still a great player (he scored the winner in the playoff final to go up to the premier league) but can not play a whole game due to his age, so he is a super sub for almost every game. This would be a great realistic addition to the game, so you would have to decide whether your old player would be worth his wage as he is only be able to play occasionally.
eng James