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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Kobe Bryant (RIP) (7)

tr Mavi >> domingo enero 26 - 20:21

I'm in shock. Unfortunately Kobe died today in a helicopter crash. I wasn't one of his fans but he was true legend for the game. I always imagined to see Kobe at age 80 getting awards, giving MVP awards to winners like Bill Rusell do...

tr Mavi
ee Taavi >> domingo enero 26 - 21:56

Thats crazy man :( Was wishing the news was fake :/

ee Taavi
Administrador del Foro
ee FC Pusa
hr Kupus >> domingo enero 26 - 23:25


hr Kupus
Administrador del Foro
de Regnum Croatorum
lv Dainix >> lunes enero 27 - 01:41

Best of the best!!! In my eyes better than Jordan.

RIP Legend

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
ro Andrei >> lunes enero 27 - 04:03
Rest in peace, Kobe.
ro Andrei
lv Gipsons >> lunes enero 27 - 14:01

I was shocked as well, so unexpected. The true legend is gone!

lv Gipsons
lv FC Jaunmārupes Lauvas
eng Yid >> martes enero 28 - 14:52

RIP to all those who lost their lives in the accident.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC