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Inglés >> Sugerencias

remove injuries in friendly games (11)

ca Maniaque >> miércoles noviembre 24 - 04:40

i suggest that we remove injuries in friendly games because those games are to get experience for players and its very sad that our players get injured and miss other league games and lose the experience for those games and cost us credits for healing faster. 

ca Maniaque
bs FC Cooper
au davo >> miércoles noviembre 24 - 08:15

And the national team should pay for the speeding up of the healing of players injured on international duty.

au davo
il Numpty >> miércoles noviembre 24 - 10:47

I agree with this. It's also the main reason that I don't enter friendly tournaments, which are an unnecessary risk.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> miércoles noviembre 24 - 16:47

The same can be said for U-21 matches which are just as pointless.

Makes more sense to remove injuries for both of the categories.

eng holt
ua CristianS9 >> sábado noviembre 27 - 07:55

It makes no sense to remove injuries from these kind of matches as long as in real life soccer you can get injured during that matches. In real life you have to play in order to get experience and as long as you do it, there's a certain risk to get injured, a risk you're assuming willingly.

ua CristianS9
be humpty >> sábado noviembre 27 - 14:57

Maybe decrease the chance of getting injured by let's say 70% might be a good compromise. And a maximum length of 5 days for injuries in friendlies could be introduced as well.  

be humpty
be Schoten SK
ua CristianS9 >> sábado noviembre 27 - 14:59

Injuries are unpredictable in real life as well. In friendlies some players are trying cu impress ant therefore they are more susceptible on strong tackles and hard playing style, resulting in more injuries/ harsher injuries.

ua CristianS9
il Numpty >> sábado noviembre 27 - 17:03, Editado sábado noviembre 27 - 17:20

Real life is not the only factor in designing a game. It also has to be playable with features that most of the users want.  

If we were to examine the game in detail then most of it wouldn't make sense in real life. 

Has anyone ever heard of experience points in real life? Yet that is the foundation of most of the game. 

Then you spend this totally unreal xp to 'buy' training in one of only 5 attributes. How does that model real life?

Apparently you have to play exactly 6 friendlies, 20 league matches and 3 cup matches for maximum improvement.  45 minutes will do unless you are a super sub. But if you are a fast learner or hardworking then different rules apply. 

"You've had your 20 games, son, you'll be in the reserves for the rest of the season ..."

It just doesn't work like that in real life. 

And don't get me started on paying a lot of money to upgrade your training facilities because bigger buildings make better players. That makes no sense at all. 

In real life do strikers get worse after scoring a goal, or does it improve their confidence and increase their chances of scoring another?

There are just so many unrealistic features.

Like all games it's a simulation. An attempt at modelling real life but we can't use that as the main argument when so much of the game isn't realistic in other ways. 

So for me, whether realistic or not, at least having fewer injuries during friendlies would probably get a lot of user support. Perhaps it could also be a function of the tackling setting Easy/Normal/Pressing. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng holt >> domingo noviembre 28 - 17:56

@CristianS9 I had the same belief but there wasn't enough to convince me that the game still follows the real life logic.

All this serves as a quickfix anyways...

eng holt
ca Maniaque >> sábado diciembre 11 - 10:50, Editado sábado diciembre 11 - 11:04

CristianS9 i must say like holt,  this game is not real life at all. many things in this game just has nothing to do at all with real games like the game results and the player performance and many other things. real players are not just stats or a graphic on a screen. the injuries do cause problems in the game.

if you want to compare a game to real life and make it realistic , then what do we do about the games like battlefield or call of duty ? should the game be over when u die and not respawn again and again ? what about mario bros ? should u have to restart the game from the beginning each time u die since in real life we only have 1 life ? should mario and your soldier go to toilet and take a shower and eat ? have wife and kids ?

the game is not realistic and is very far from it. this is not a good reason to say we should not remove injuries. the injuries in the game do cause problems and it should be removed from the friendly games like i already said because it is unfair we lose the experience gained when our player is injured because will lose games and we have to pay credits to recover from injuries faster.

ca Maniaque
bs FC Cooper
us cdowne >> domingo diciembre 12 - 21:59

Reducing injury risk makes sense to me. I do not support eliminating the risk.  You benefit from your players gaining experience. Therfore you should have a little risk and not have "free experience."

U21 friendlies are not useless. I usually have a stretch towards the end of the season where only young players gain experience from friendlies. I dont want to risk injury to older players, so I play u21 friendlies. 

All if that said, the discussion is pointless. There will be no changes like this to the game. 

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC