Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Second team. Later edit: friendly cups? (4)

ua CristianS9 >> duminică octombrie 3 - 17:44, Editat duminică octombrie 3 - 17:46

I`m searching for a stellite club and I see that you can`t pick one unless it has 0 popularity. I see teams run by bots but with facilities and popularity. Why can`t we pick that teams as second teams? Also, if I want to choose a better team as first team, I have to resign as a manager of my actual team first and then look for a better one?

ua CristianS9
eng Lee >> duminică octombrie 3 - 20:35

Hi Cristian - this link provides information on getting a 2nd team:

Here's the link on how to change your team:

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ua CristianS9 >> luni octombrie 4 - 05:15

Thank you. I'll post here again: is there any post that explains friendly cups? I mean how draws are made, if only first places qualifies, the amount of exp players get from these matches and from how many matches, how fatigue is affected by these matches etc

ua CristianS9
eng Stephen >> luni octombrie 4 - 07:13

Try this:

eng Stephen
Admin şef
eng Seaburn Beach