Liga Campionilor Asiei sezonul 11


⇩ Citeşte informaţiile despre rundă ⇩

Grupa 1

1au Canberra 3 4136411128
2jp 鹿岛鹿角 18 97614188
3hk 香港筲箕灣 5 56613289
4pk FC Hyderabad #2 42 364604269

Grupa 2

1cn 解放军之怒 10 8 6126330146
2hk Kowloon #8 4 5 101163211211
3kr Iksan 31 255612359
4tw FC T'aichung 1 7 246114813

Grupa 3

1cn Wuxi Utd 4 3 2156501223
2hk Kowloon #3 11 6963031117
3kp Sunch'on 2 11 16662041013
4ph Voltes 15 1466204818

Grupa 4

1jp Rohmata 12 2013641195
2tw AGC Leamington 3 6106312129
3sa SPL Imperial College 1 8 7762131012
4au Whittlesea 4 346114611

Grupa 5

1cn AJ Auxerre 7 11 8146420114
2sg FC Internazionale Milan 61 529630376
3th Yuan Li Crazy 1 65 637621388
4kg FC Bishkek #5 6 746114412

Grupa 6

1kr Incheon #2 4 8116321109
2au Thunder Force 1 9 996303119
3sa SPL Lee Wai Tong 2 10 96613277
4bt Swindon Town FC 66 6966132912

Grupa 7

1cn 烈火中永生 3 1 1136411135
2au TennatFC 2 6 48622268
3mo Hello、Nikki 1 10 1476213711
4jp WollyCaptain Club 3 31 235612346

Grupa 8

1sg KRFC 1 11 19136411189
2mo Hang Sai 1 41 271063121512
3tw 皇家海军联队 6 42 311063121216
4vn Hà Nội Cat King 1 54 4916015816

Regulile tragerii la sorţi

*Toate echipele calificate pentru această rundă vor fi împărțite, pe baza coeficientului clubului, în 4 urne valorice. În fiecare grupă va fi câte o echipă din fiecare urnă.

In the champions league, the first pot contains the defending champion and the winners of the 7 strongest leagues. All the other pots are decided by club coefficient with the strongest teams in pot 2 and the weakest teams in pot 4.

Coeficienţi cluburi

Teams from the same country can not be drawn against each other in this round.

Team advancement rules

  • The numbers 1 and 2 of the group stage advance to the next round.
  • The third placed teams advance to the next round of the lower continental competition.

Group stage tiebreakers

  1. pct
  2. Head to head results (points, goal difference, goals scored)
  3. Goal difference
  4. Goluri marcate
  5. Number of away goals

Finala acestui turneu se va juca pe stadionul echipei th Yuan Li Crazy.