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Transfer help (2)

eng Pascualito >> 星期天 六月 16 - 21:11
Hi! I have a friend who plays this since a month and he recomend me this game.. I want to buy him a player he don't use it and it would be very useful for me but the system says that i can't be posibble 'cause we share the same IP.. he show me the game at home, can it be the reason?.. What can i do? the transfer windows is goin' to close in a few hours
If someone have a solution, tell me please
eng Pascualito
nz Tiety Kooistra >> 星期一 六月 17 - 11:33
You can not make the first or fifth bid on a player if you are a referal of the manager or if you play on the same IP as the manager. This is to limit the chance of cheating with the transfer system.
So if aombody els will bid on the player you will be able to bid as well.
nz Tiety Kooistra