Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

youth academy settings (3)

be humpty >> martes noviembre 8 - 17:55, Editado martes noviembre 8 - 18:03

"Set up to (x) preferred special attributes (10% chance)". 10% of what exactly? If I set, for example, 'intelligent' does that mean that my next youth player has a 10 % chance of being intelligent? And if I set 'intelligent' twice, does he have 20% chance of being intelligent?

Thanks for your opinion. 

be humpty
be Schoten SK
il Numpty >> martes noviembre 8 - 18:19

I don't know for sure but I believe you are correct. 

On a slightly pedantic note I suspect that setting it twice will give him a 19% chance of getting the attribute, as the chance of not getting it twice will be 90% x 90% = 81%.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
be humpty >> miércoles noviembre 9 - 05:51, Editado miércoles noviembre 9 - 05:53

Apparently you can't select the same attribute twice. You can, but when you save the new settings it turns blanc. That's fair i guess. 

be humpty
be Schoten SK