Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Debate general

National team shortlist problems (1)

by Andryvs >> viernes mayo 1 - 07:34, Editado viernes mayo 1 - 07:36

Hi! I have only 38 players in player pool, last time -37. I think this is not enough for national team. I mostly use 33-35 players per season in NT games before, now i can't do that. Same players are playing in the nt  friendlies and i can't do anything about it. I have better players in my team from Belarussia, than prospects i have in NT shorltist. For example Latvia have 58 players in shortlist - i have only 38- it is unfair. I don't ask for strong players, but i need more players in shortlist for effective using all young  belarus players. 

by Andryvs
by Prussians