Liga de Canadá temporada 84

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Changes coming discussion (3)

ca Ron >> miércoles septiembre 6 - 04:13

Thought on this.....

I don't see this has a great help to the mid and small market teams...I also do not see this helping Canada from an International level in the game...If the idea was or is to get the rich teams from stop hoarding money and upgrade then won't they produce the best talent in the game..won't this make the mid and small teams with YC 8 through 10 players drop drastically in value thus eliminating a huge source of revenue NEEDED to upgrade facilities...I proposed a facilities degrade where depending what you have its cost x amunt per season to keep the 'standards up i.e like maintenance costs...Also tax bills could be introduced on profits that teams make...a vairiable such as 20% or something like that...To me these updates affect maybe 20% of the teams favoribly but the negative effects are larger for the rest of us...

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Jax >> miércoles septiembre 6 - 17:11

I havent looked into it too much Ron, but like you say, it wont affect many of us.

I just look at it is another thing they are introducing before trying improve the Match Engine.  Im trying to talk about it as much as I can; as are others but I feel like alot of it is being ignored or misunderstood.  Either way, I'm not quiting or anything but my interest level is not that high.

ca Jax
ca Alex Seymour >> miércoles septiembre 6 - 19:27

I couldn't give a toss anymore. The Match Engine needs work. All it needs is a tweak to make the Midfield more important. I don't understand why building more youth levels helps anything. Making the game more playable by tinkering with tactics is what needs to be done.

I am spending less and less time on this.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC