Jean-Marc Chevillon: Tekme

sobota januar 11 - 11:04bf Sun of Alres U211-70bf Liga U21RCB
petek januar 10 - 06:03bf FC Djibo U210-13bf Liga U21RCB
sreda januar 8 - 11:05bf Burkina Faso Tingfeng U216-43bf Liga U21LWB
torek januar 7 - 11:21bf FC Ouagadougou #61-03bf Liga države Burkina FasoSB
torek januar 7 - 04:03bf Burkina Faso Tingfeng U218-20bf Liga U21LWB
nedelja januar 5 - 08:01bf FC Ouagadougou #6 U211-43bf Liga U21RCB
sobota januar 4 - 11:01bf Rahimo U212-13bf Liga U21LWB
četrtek januar 2 - 11:03bf FC Djibo U210-10bf Liga U21LWB
sreda januar 1 - 11:04bf FC Pô U219-03bf Liga U21LWB
ponedeljek december 30 - 20:03bf Rahimo U212-33bf Liga U21LWB
ponedeljek december 30 - 11:49bf FC Kaya0-63bf Liga države Burkina FasoSF
nedelja december 29 - 11:15bf Sun of Alres3-60bf Liga države Burkina FasoSM
nedelja december 29 - 11:05bf Sun of Alres U211-50bf Liga U21RCBRumen karton
petek december 27 - 20:01bf FC Ouagadougou #2 U210-63bf Liga U21CBGol
četrtek december 26 - 14:03bf Sun of Alres U217-30bf Liga U21RCB
torek december 24 - 11:03bf Legiones Astartes U211-40bf Liga U21RCB
torek december 24 - 08:31bf FC Ouagadougou #60-23bf Liga države Burkina FasoSF
ponedeljek december 23 - 11:50bf FC Kaya #36-03bf Liga države Burkina FasoSF
ponedeljek december 23 - 11:03bf FC Ouagadougo U210-40bf Liga U21RCB
sobota december 21 - 17:03bf FC Ouagadougo U214-20bf Liga U21LWB
sobota december 21 - 11:40bf FC Bobo Dioulasso4-03bf Liga države Burkina FasoSB
petek december 20 - 11:01bf Rahimo U217-03bf Liga U21LWB
sreda december 18 - 17:02bf FC Ouagadougo U218-10bf Liga U21SB
sreda december 18 - 15:04bf Legiones Astartes U2114-00bf U21 Mladinski pokalRCB
torek december 17 - 08:02bf FC Ouagadougou #6 U211-43bf Liga U21LWB

Jean-Marc Chevillon