Liga države Angvila sezona 79

Število golov

de T. Bordigaai Snowbreak Zone8927
fr L. Desneuxai Snowbreak Zone8226
es D. Massanetai The Valley City FC6133
vc I. Piquerai Snowbreak Zone5920
ai F. Ivattai The Valley City FC4535
ye M. Mubarakai FC West Bay #43434
au B. Bridgerai FC The Farrington #22635
sx H. Gameroai Spring Hill FC2536
be R. Loubensai FC The Farrington #22336
ai M. Uttai FC Shoal Bay Village #32236


ec F. Villaplanaai The Valley City FC6232
ro A. Zaporojanai Snowbreak Zone5934
mu A. Jiteshai Snowbreak Zone5935
co A. Celorioai Snowbreak Zone4932
mx A. Consuelosai Island Harbour #71934
bg S. Stanishevai FC The Farrington #21732
ht G. Tobelai The Valley City FC1413
ai J. Pottellai FC West Bay #41427
mq H. de Courseillesai FC Shoal Bay Village #31227
ar G. Dekanozovai Snowbreak Zone1232

Nepremagan (Vratarji)

fr J. Tiolierai Snowbreak Zone3536
cn C. Yaoai The Valley City FC2329
gp Z. Temayai FC West Bay #41332
ai G. Lloydai Island Harbour #71036
ag D. Fidoeai FC George Hill #7938
ai D. Hartleyai FC The Farrington #2722
us G. Cussai FC Shoal Bay Village #3733
ai F. Agateai Stoney Ground #6636
ai D. Finneyai The Valley City FC59
ai G. Suiterai Spring Hill FC436

Število rumenih kartonov

ph R. Nolascoai Island Harbour #71627
ai P. Lemmerai FC George Hill #71433
ag R. Latonai Spring Hill FC1331
mq H. de Courseillesai FC Shoal Bay Village #31227
us C. Tilepaai FC Shoal Bay Village #31228
ht J. Mauduitai FC The Farrington #21231
aw R. Dobbsai Spring Hill FC1232
ai S. Hambletonai FC George Hill #71132
ai M. Mullai The Valley City FC1133
sx S. Lentai Spring Hill FC1030

Število rdečih kartonov

dm S. Newburyai FC West Bay #4233
ai W. Coulterai The Valley City FC10
ai N. Sedingerai The Valley City FC10
ai R. Hungateai Spring Hill FC119
ai J. Hydingerai FC The Farrington #2128
ag R. Latonai Spring Hill FC131
ai S. Sweeneyai Snowbreak Zone10
hu M. Czinegeai Island Harbour #7132
eng P. Salmonai Stoney Ground #6133
kos K. Bushatiai FC Shoal Bay Village #3133


kn M. Dennissai Spring Hill FC536
eng B. Banffshireai FC The Valley #10536
fr L. Baixai FC George Hill #7233
sv F. Juncadellaai FC Shoal Bay Village #3235
fi V. Kaikkonenai Stoney Ground #6236
ai L. Allansonai Island Harbour #7124
cn C. Yaoai The Valley City FC129
sx C. Palmaresai FC West Bay #4130
za Z. Tongagaraai Island Harbour #7131
ai W. Leaboai Stoney Ground #6132