Severna Koreja kp

Istorija menadžera

MenadžerDatum početkaKrajni datumPobedeNerešenoIzgubljeno
bg Златко Илчев onlinejun 30 2024oktobar 12 20241079
hu Gombi2912 offlinemart 18 2024jun 30 20241484
ie Minigad offlinedecembar 5 2023mart 18 2024547
ie Minigad offlineavgust 23 2023decembar 5 202315110
ie Minigad offlinemaj 11 2023avgust 23 20231764
ie Minigad offlinejanuar 27 2023maj 11 20231376
ro Dorin73 offlineoktobar 15 2022januar 27 20231194
ro Dorin73 offlinejul 3 2022oktobar 15 20221862
ro Dorin73 offlinemart 21 2022jul 3 20221647
pt Nuno Giga offlinedecembar 7 2021mart 21 20222132
cn legendspikeavgust 25 2021decembar 7 20211557
vn bemon onlinejanuar 29 2021maj 13 20211553
pt Unicenter offlineoktobar 17 2020januar 29 20212213
ro valentin offlinejul 5 2020oktobar 17 20201924
kp vote with my footmart 23 2020jul 5 20201743
kp vote with my footdecembar 10 2019mart 23 20201873
cn 不辣的peteravgust 28 2019decembar 10 20191295
kp vote with my footmaj 16 2019avgust 28 20192118
kp vote with my footfebruar 1 2019maj 16 201912105
kp vote with my footoktobar 20 2018februar 1 20191577
kp vote with my footjul 8 2018oktobar 20 20181665
kp vote with my footmart 26 2018jul 8 20181646
kp vote with my footdecembar 12 2017mart 26 20182377
kp vote with my footavgust 30 2017decembar 12 2017657
kp vote with my footmaj 18 2017avgust 30 20171728
kp vote with my footfebruar 3 2017maj 18 20171157
kp vote with my footoktobar 22 2016februar 3 20171964
kp vote with my footjul 9 2016oktobar 22 20161529
kp vote with my footmart 27 2016jul 9 20161844
kp vote with my footdecembar 14 2015mart 27 20161178
kp vote with my footseptembar 1 2015decembar 14 20151363
kp vote with my footmaj 20 2015septembar 1 2015798
kp vote with my footfebruar 5 2015maj 20 20151176
kp vote with my footoktobar 24 2014februar 5 20151237
kp vote with my footjul 12 2014oktobar 24 20141953
kp vote with my footmart 30 2014jul 12 20141754
kp vote with my footdecembar 16 2013mart 30 20141861
kp vote with my footseptembar 20 2013decembar 16 20131533
fr Christophe Pélissier offlinemaj 20 2013septembar 3 20131844
au Nelsonapril 28 2013maj 20 2013323